Il INPS message number 3028 of 13th September provided important clarifications on enrollment in the Credit Fund for those who are about to leave the service. The clarifications concern those who access thesocial EPAs or who are involved in exodus or expansion procedures.
Thanks to the INPS instructions, former public employees will be able to continue to benefit from the credit and social benefits of the Fund once retired.
How to access the INPS Credit Fund benefits
Il Credit Fundestablished by the Law 23 December 1996, number 662offers public employees a series of social and credit benefits. Members can access mortgages and loans at favorable rates, prevention and health services, support for training and education (up to university master’s degrees), benefits for the elderly and non-self-sufficient people, in addition to summer study and wellness stays.
Access to benefits occurs through participation in competition announcements.
How are benefits financed?
Il Credit Fund It is financed through contributions paid by public employees and by the reinvestment of proceeds generated by mortgages and loans. The contribution is equal to 0.35% of the pensionable salary and is withheld monthly. Retirees, on the other hand, pay a contribution of 0.15% of the pension.
Who can join the Credit Fund
Registration for the Credit Fund It is mandatory for all public employees registered with the Inps ex Inpdap management. Those who have ceased service following social APE or exodus procedures can continue to enjoy the Fund’s benefits by registering within the last day of service.
The 2020 Budget Law reopened the terms for voluntary registration to the Fund until February 20, 2022, allowing new hires to register within 30 days of hiring.
How to sign up
Public employees who are about to cease service can register at Credit Fund by filling out the online application on the website inps.itin the “Credit Fund Membership” section. Users must use the credentials SPID, CIE or the Public Digital Identity System to access the service. Alternatively, they can call the Inps Contact Center or contact patronage institutions.
INPS clarifications for those accessing the social APE or exodus/expansion
Il Inps Message 3028/2024 clarifies that former public employees, once their service has ceased and the period of enjoyment of the benefit has endedsocial EPAs or the exodus and expansion procedures, can continue to benefit from the Credit Fund.
During the period of use, however, the payment of contributions to the Fund is interrupted. After the cessation, the Fund’s benefits are suspended until the pension starts.
How to communicate termination of service
The employer must communicate the termination of service through the UniEmens – ListaPosPA report, using specific codes that identify access to thesocial EPAs or to the exodus/expansion procedures. The Inps Message 3028/2024 introduced the code “60 – Cessation of social APE”, to be used by workers requesting social APE.
Who accesses thesocial EPAs or to the exodus/expansion procedures must submit the application for registration to the Credit Fund by the last day of service to continue to enjoy the benefits of the Fund once retired.
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