Innovative therapeutic alliance between humans and animals in Isère

Innovative therapeutic alliance between humans and animals in Isère

2024-08-24 05:00:00

Evan is a lecturer at the Institute of Animal Therapy in Verrannes, France. Paul Delort/”Le Figaro” / Paul Delort/”Le Figaro”

Reportage – The French Institute of Animal Therapy organizes animal mediation training for hospital or institutional caregivers. This approach has been a huge success.

Igor the dog had a great time. The white and black cocker spaniel slips into the tunnel as her companion Veronique looks on Green and blue beaches, he had pointed his nose towards the exit. The mission was completed and Igor received some roughage as a reward. Igor started another journey with Luke, another animal therapist intern. Because we are not on an ordinary playing field. In Verrannes, Isère, the French Institute of Animal Therapy held a four-week animal mediation training course.

Learn about the relationship between animals (dogs, horses, donkeys, guinea pigs) and their human guides Helping children with learning disabilities, disabled people, elderly people in institutions. It’s not just training, therapeutic alliances and practices that have advanced in France. “When I founded the school in 2003, I was considered an original. Today, hospitals are scrambling to bring in animals.”

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