Innovation and Personalized Well-being Plans for Multigenerational Work Environments Webinar

2023-06-12 14:32:31

Coffee for everyone is not an option. The time has come to innovate and personalize wellness plans so that they are truly useful.

On June 22 at 12 noon, the ORH Webinar “Innovation and well-being: personalizing initiatives for each generation” will take place, in collaboration with OpenUp.

In this event, we will address the great challenge that promoting well-being in an increasingly diverse and multigenerational work environment entails for companies. In addition, we will provide useful information for those seeking to create healthier, more productive and harmonious work environments.

For this, we will have the participation of Tiago Santosone of the main influencers in human resources in Spain and director of careers and talent for StudentFinance, Angeles Alcazar Garciawith his extensive career in this field and currently managing partner of the Generation and Talent Observatoryy Andrea TaughtCPO one Tecnofor and psychologist.

What will you learn in this webinar?

  • Tools and resources to promote mental and emotional well-being in the company.
  • Tips to improve communication and collaboration between generations.
  • How to take advantage of the particular strengths and abilities of each generation to strengthen the corporate culture.
  • Success stories and good practices in well-being management in multigenerational work environments.
  • Opportunity to ask questions and get insights of experts in the field of HR and labor well-being.

#ORH #Webinar #Innovation #wellbeing #personalizing #initiatives #generation #ORH

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