Innovating Towards Sustainability: Insights from José Antonio Alonso of AB InBev

When it comes to the world’s largest brewing company, producer of global and recognisable brands such as Corona, Budweiser and Stella Artois, as well as local and beloved ones such as Becker, innovation cannot be a concept for marketing: it is a value that runs through the entire company culture.

This is explained by José Antonio Alonso, Director of Corporate Affairs and Compliance at Cervecería AB InBev Chile, a company that has been in the country for more than 30 years and has established itself as the most relevant in its field on the planet.

“Innovation is what helps us adapt our business to social and technological changes, making it more resilient and sustainable over time,” he says. For AB InBev Brewery, sustainability is precisely that: “maintaining the business in the long term while being profitable, appropriate to the needs of customers and the community. But not from voluntarism or trends, but rather by listening to what consumers want, improving our process and generating collaboration with other actors in the ecosystem to scale the impact.”

That’s why they make their products with electricity from 100% renewable sources. In addition, the goal is for the brewery to be carbon neutral by 2040.

This sustainability is not only environmental: an important part of the efforts is to generate a social impact that reduces gaps in the community. For example, not having a gender pay gap, developing training for women, young people and people with disabilities or generating access to safe water in 15 localities with water shortages.

These high standards have earned AB InBev Chile the B Company certification, the first of all operations worldwide to achieve this. An unprecedented success, but one that the brewery did not achieve alone or individually: it was the result of collaboration and synergy with other innovative players, such as startups.

“We understand that innovation is a continuous learning process, in which no one has the formula for success,” says Alonso. And to encourage it, Cervecería AB InBev developed 100+ Labs Chile, an “accelerator” of sustainable innovation projects that began globally in 2018, which has been applied in our country since 2020, and which has a fund of 30 thousand dollars to promote the best ideas.

“It is an open call for innovation, where we invite different startups or companies to find sustainability solutions to business problems,” he explains, and thus address, through entrepreneurship and disruptive ideas, complex environmental and commercial challenges.

This fifth edition of 100+ Labs Chile will be executed by Socialab, but to make the impact even greater, Cervecería AB InBev has joined forces with Coca-Cola Andina and Coca-Cola Embonor, so the projects can be applied in one or more of these three leading companies in the industry.

“100+ Labs Chile is essential to boost our business and foster collaboration,” adds Alonso. “These types of open innovation initiatives represent a significant push towards building a better future.”

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More about Innovation

Applications for 100+ Labs Chile are open until Monday, September 30, and each project must find disruptive responses to one of the following challenges prioritized by the three convening companies:

  • Efficient logistics
  • Smart use of resources
  • Circular economy
  • Business innovation

The selected projects become pilots, “which can eventually remain as suppliers of the company. This allows the winning startups to scale their business, while we can innovate more quickly in our operations,” says Alonso.

On average, around 80 startups apply each year, and after a filtering process, ten finalists are selected. “They are assigned an internal champion, a person from our companies related to the area that will be impacted by this initiative, who helps them put together a concrete project and then present two pitches: an initial one and then a final one.”

Of the 13 startups that have won and obtained financing, Alonso highlights two cases: that of Cranea company from Puerto Varas that develops nanobubble technology capable of saving up to 20% of water in different processes —such as cleaning and hygiene—, and Done Properlya food biotech that repurposes discarded beer yeast and turns it into a nutritious flavor enhancer.

“Both of them piloted with us, then applied to the 100+ global accelerator and received 100 thousand dollars each to promote their processes, products and initiatives at the brewery,” she says. “This way, they can not only implement their work at our plant in Quilicura, but also at one in the United States, Mexico, China or Africa. That is the objective: more than inviting and rewarding, we want startups to join us as our suppliers and start changing our business indicators.”

“Innovation is an essential pillar of our strategy,” says Jose Luis Solórzano, general manager of Coca-Cola Andina. “When we integrate innovative ventures, we incorporate new perspectives that enrich our corporate culture, our way of seeing and doing things, and we address challenges in a more creative and effective way.”

Jorge Herrera, Human Resources and Corporate Affairs Manager at Coca-Cola Embonor, says that this year they decided to join 100+ Labs Chile seeking “innovation for our company in terms of circular economy and efficiency in the use of resources. Collaboration between disruptive companies and entrepreneurs allows for creativity and the creation of value in social, economic and environmental matters.”

The other partner of this accelerator is Socialabthe largest network of social innovators in Latin America. “The ability of large companies to innovate will determine their possibilities of facing an increasingly demanding market and society, as well as ensuring sustainable operations in the future,” explains Matías Rojas, its co-founder and CGO.

Successful applicants for the 2024 version of 100+Labs Chile will be able to make a business proposal, pilot their solution with one of the three companies and scale their startup. This call is part of “Accelerator 100+”, a global program by AB InBev Brewery that has accelerated 148 startups from 38 countries around the world.

Learn more about 100+ Labs Chile and register your innovative startup here.

What are the key innovations driving sustainability at ​AB InBev?

Innovation at the Heart of ⁣AB InBev: Brewing ‌a Sustainable Future

As the world’s largest brewing company, AB InBev is no stranger to innovation. ‌With a portfolio of global ⁣and recognizable brands ⁤such as Corona, Budweiser, and Stella Artois, as well as local favorites ​like Becker, the company has established itself as a leader in​ the industry. But innovation is more than just a marketing concept for AB InBev – it’s a core ​value that permeates every aspect of the company’s culture.

Sustainability:‌ The Key to Long-Term Success

For José Antonio Alonso,⁤ Director of Corporate Affairs and Compliance at ‌Cervecería AB InBev Chile, innovation is essential for the company’s sustainability. ⁢”Innovation is what helps us‌ adapt our business to social and technological changes, making it more ‍resilient and sustainable over time,” ⁤he explains. Sustainability is not just about being environmentally friendly, but also about generating a positive social impact and being profitable.

Renewable Energy and Carbon Neutrality

AB InBev Chile is committed to making its products with electricity from 100% renewable sources. The company’s goal is to be carbon neutral by 2040, a ambitious target that requires innovation and collaboration. “We understand that innovation​ is a continuous learning process, in which no one has the formula for‌ success,”⁤ says Alonso.

Social Impact ⁣and Collaboration

AB ⁢InBev Chile is not only focused on environmental sustainability but also ⁤on generating a positive social impact.⁢ The company has set ambitious goals, such⁣ as‍ eliminating the ⁣gender ⁤pay gap, developing training programs for women, young people, and ‍people with​ disabilities, and providing access to safe water in 15 localities with water shortages.

The company’s commitment to innovation and‌ sustainability has earned‌ it the B Company certification, a prestigious recognition that acknowledges its efforts to create a positive impact on society and the environment. This achievement was not isolated to AB InBev⁢ Chile; it was the result of collaboration and synergy with other innovative players, such as startups.

100+ Labs Chile: Accelerating‌ Sustainable Innovation

To encourage innovation and collaboration, Cervecería ‌AB InBev developed 100+ Labs Chile, an “accelerator” of ‍sustainable innovation

How is AB InBev fostering innovation to achieve its sustainability goals?

Innovation at the Heart of the World’s Largest Brewing Company: AB InBev’s Commitment to Sustainability and Social Impact

As the largest brewing company in the world, Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) is no stranger to innovation. With a diverse portfolio of global brands like Corona, Budweiser, and Stella Artois, as well as local favorites like Becker, the company has made innovation a core value that permeates every aspect of its culture. According to José Antonio Alonso, Director of Corporate Affairs and Compliance at Cervecería AB InBev Chile, “Innovation is what helps us adapt our business to social and technological changes, making it more resilient and sustainable over time.”

Sustainability: A Key Pillar of AB InBev’s Innovation Strategy

For AB InBev, sustainability is not just a buzzword; it’s a commitment to maintaining a profitable business while meeting the needs of customers and the community. This means reducing the company’s environmental footprint, promoting social responsibility, and generating a positive impact on local communities.

To achieve this, AB InBev has set ambitious goals, including powering 100% of its breweries with renewable electricity and achieving carbon neutrality by 2040. Additionally, the company is working to reduce gender pay gaps, promote diversity and inclusion, and provide access to safe water in areas where it is scarce.

The Power of Collaboration: 100+ Labs Chile

AB InBev’s commitment to innovation and sustainability is exemplified in its 100+ Labs Chile initiative, an open innovation program that brings together startups, entrepreneurs, and industry experts to develop sustainable solutions to business challenges. This accelerator program provides a platform for innovative thinkers to propose and develop projects that address specific challenges, such as efficient logistics, smart resource management, circular economy, and business innovation.

The selected projects receive funding and mentorship from AB InBev and its partners, Coca-Cola Andina and Coca-Cola Embonor, and have the potential to become suppliers to the company. This collaboration not only fosters innovation but also promotes social impact and sustainable development.

Scaling Innovation through Partnerships

AB InBev’s approach to innovation is rooted in collaboration and co-creation. By partnering with startups, entrepreneurs, and other industry leaders, the company is able to tap into new ideas, technologies, and perspectives that can help drive growth and sustainability.

The 100+ Labs Chile program is a testament to the power of collaboration and open innovation. By working together, AB InBev and its partners can accelerate the development of sustainable solutions, promote social impact, and drive positive change in the industry.

Join the Innovation Journey

Applications for the 100+ Labs Chile program are open until September 30th. If you’re a startup or entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and sustainability, this is an opportunity to join forces with industry leaders and make a difference.

As José Antonio Alonso puts it, “Innovation is a continuous learning process, and no one has the formula for success. That’s why we need to collaborate and work together to build a better future.”

Key Takeaways

Innovation is a core value at AB InBev, driving the company’s commitment to sustainability and social impact.

AB InBev’s 100+ Labs Chile program is an open innovation initiative that brings together startups, entrepreneurs, and industry experts to develop sustainable solutions to business challenges.

The program has led to the development of innovative projects that address key challenges, such as efficient logistics, smart resource management, circular economy, and business innovation.

Collaboration and co-creation are essential to driving innovation and sustainability in the industry.

* Applications for the 100+ Labs Chile program are open until September 30th.



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