“Inner and outer well-being: Achieving total health and beauty”

2023-04-29 11:00:39

special health and beauty

Although physical well-being is generally related to image, it goes much further and includes aspects of emotional health. Here are some guidelines for healthy beauty.


In the midst of a reality that increasingly demands more agility, work pressure and situations that increase levels of stress and uncertainty, it is key to prioritize inner well-being. Taking care of yourself inside is, without a doubt, one of the most important ways to achieve external well-being.

According to Diana Castañeda, a professor at the School of Studies in Psychology, Human Talent and Society of the Grancolombiano Polytechnic, the contexts, scenarios and different environments in which people develop will always directly influence the whole being, since What affects one system directly affects others.

“A person with anhedonia (inability to enjoy things) is likely not to get out of bed, not to bathe, not to get dressed and not to dress according to their daily requirements, and this feeds back into their emotional state: it is like a circle, because finally as it is on the inside, it is on the outside”, he explains.

For this reason, the teacher emphasizes the importance of the concept of health, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO): a state of total physical, mental and social well-being. “This means that we must permanently work on acquiring healthy habits that are directly related to the production of neurotransmitters, which are responsible for regulating our moods,” says Castañeda, and clarifies that although physical well-being is commonly related to image physical, this goes further and integrates emotional health conditions.

Although physical care is important to achieve a balance between inner and outer well-being, it is also key to work on emotions and internal dialogue, says Daniela Martínez, clinical psychologist specializing in childhood, adolescence and family. She also affirms that it is important to instill these personal dynamics in children and in the little ones so that they can create routines and identify aspects of self-care.

How to achieve a general well-being?

Ximena Pérez Arce, a clinical psychologist at the Universidad del Norte, believes the same. As she explains, diet and physical activity are key pieces in the goal of feeling good. However, exercise is a natural antidepressant, as it stimulates certain areas of the brain at the neurological level that help oxygenate, which gives a feeling of well-being and more extensive states of tranquility. “Taking care of yourself from the inside is reflected on the outside. People feel much calmer, they look much more smiling, and their verbal and non-verbal behavior generates tranquility and equanimity”, he concludes.

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