Inmate cuts off and eats another inmate’s finger in Poggioreale, guarantor – Il Fatto Quotidiano

And inmate he tore off and ate part of a finger of another inmate. It happened in the prison of Poggioreale. The episode of cannibalism, which occurred between two inmates with mental disorders, was reported by the Campania guarantor, Samuele Ciambriello.

The prisoner, explains the guarantor, “suffers from a mental disorder, diagnosed at the hospital of Tower of the Greek from which he had been discharged, he attacked first throwing detergent in the eyesand then literally detached and ate part of a finger of another inmate, also suffering from mental problems”. “In addition to the increase in psychiatrists, it is now clear that the Poggioreale prison needs a structure suitable for hosting inmates suffering from mental disorders. If not a structure, at least a dedicated operational unit with nurses, social workers, rehabilitation technicians and psychologists”, asks the guarantor, explaining that in the structure there are more than 200 psychiatric inmates and that “about eighty are psychotic”.

Outside the prison, he continues, in the Mental Health department work “psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, psychiatric rehabilitation technicians, educators, oss” therefore, to treat a mental illness “you don’t just need a psychiatrist, which is why even in prison, these professional figures are necessary, therefore a Uosd. Just as there is a Penal Area SerD, which is the same as an external SerD, there can be a Simple Departmental Mental Health Operative Unit in prison”. Finally, the Campania guarantor recalls that “in the Poggioreale District Prison there are 2067 inmates against a regulatory capacity of 1404 places. There are definitely more than 200 subjects with mental disorders. Of these, at least 80 are affected by psychosis. At the Florence pavilion, among the primary physicians, there are subjects affected by psychosis, as well as at the left Livorno, at the Salerno pavilion and Rome. There is no right to health without mental health!”.



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