Injuve Takes the Lead in Cultivating Educational Collaborations Across North America

Written in LOCAL on 8/9/2024 · 09:56 am

Monterrey.- He General Director of the Youth Institute of Nuevo Leon (INJUVE), Edelmiro Cavazos Valdés, held meetings this week with representatives of the Consulates of the United States and Canada with respect to the area of education.

The objective of these meetings with the consulates focused on establishing agreements that allow young people to access high-quality educational programs in Canada and the United States.

These programs include a variety of diplomas, courses and learning experiences, In addition, the aim is for young people to be able to demonstrate and apply the knowledge acquired abroad upon returning to Nuevo León, thus contributing to the development of the state.

Edelmiro Cavazos highlighted the importance of these scholarships as a fundamental tool for the professional and personal development of the youth of Nuevo León.

“These educational opportunities not only broaden the horizons of our young people, but also strengthen international ties and promote cultural exchange,” said Edelmiro Cavazos, director general of Injuve.

The State Youth Institute will continue to work hand in hand with international institutions to ensure that young people in Nuevo León have access to the best educational opportunities available.

NL prioritizes psychological well-being

This week, in the framework of the beginning of the school year 2024-2025, the Secretariat of Education of the state of Nuevo León He identified psychological well-being as one of his main challenges.

After presenting awards to the winners of the Children’s Knowledge Olympiad 2024, the Secretary of Education, Sofia Leticia Moralesacknowledged that during adolescence there have been higher risks of psychological problems in students.

For this reason, the state official indicated that nearly 500 teachers have been trained to strengthen socio-emotional education (200 secondary school teachers and 300 primary school teachers).

It should be noted that this attention is not only directed at the students, but also towards their parents, if necessary.

– How is Nuevo León ‍fostering‌ international collaboration in its educational programs?

Education Takes Center Stage in Nuevo León: International Collaboration and Prioritizing Psychological Well-being

In⁣ the state⁣ of Nuevo León, Mexico, education is taking center stage with a ⁢focus on international collaboration‌ and prioritizing psychological well-being. The General Director of the Youth Institute of Nuevo León (INJUVE), Edelmiro Cavazos Valdés, recently held meetings with representatives of the Consulates of⁤ the United States and Canada to discuss the establishment of agreements that ⁤would allow young people to access high-quality educational⁤ programs in Canada and the United States [[1]].

These ⁤programs include a variety of diplomas,⁣ courses, and learning experiences that will not only broaden the horizons of⁤ young‍ people but also​ strengthen international⁤ ties and promote cultural exchange [[1]]. The aim is for young people to be able to demonstrate and apply the knowledge acquired abroad upon returning to Nuevo León, thereby contributing to the development of the state.

The importance of these scholarships cannot be overstated, as they serve as a ‌fundamental tool for the professional and personal development⁢ of the youth of Nuevo León [[1]]. Edelmiro Cavazos emphasized​ the significance of these educational opportunities, stating that they not only broaden the horizons of‍ young people but also strengthen international ties and promote cultural exchange [[1]].

In addition to international collaboration, the state of Nuevo León is also prioritizing psychological well-being as a crucial aspect of education. In the framework of the beginning ‍of‍ the school year 2024-2025, the Secretariat of Education of the state of Nuevo León identified psychological ⁢well-being as one of the key areas of focus [[1]].

This emphasis on psychological well-being is particularly noteworthy, given the importance of mental health in the ⁣development of young people. By prioritizing psychological well-being, ⁤the state of Nuevo León is taking a ⁣proactive approach to ensuring that its young people are equipped with the skills and support they need to thrive.

Nuevo León is home to several esteemed educational institutions, including the Autonomous University⁢ of Nuevo León (UANL), which was founded in 1933 and ​is the third most important public university in Mexico [[2]]. UANL ‍offers a‌ wide range of academic ⁤programs and has a ‍strong reputation for​ excellence, ranking⁢ among the top universities in the world [[2]].

education is a top priority⁣ in the state of Nuevo León, with a focus on international collaboration and prioritizing psychological well-being. Through the establishment of agreements with international institutions and a focus on mental health, the state is taking a proactive approach to ensuring that its young people have access to the⁣ best ‍educational opportunities⁣ available.





Here are one PAA (Problem, Action, and Alternative) related question for the title “Education Takes Center Stage in Nuevo León: International Collaboration and Prioritizing Psychological Well-being”:

Education Takes Center Stage in Nuevo León: International Collaboration and Prioritizing Psychological Well-being

In the state of Nuevo León, Mexico, education is taking center stage with a focus on international collaboration and prioritizing psychological well-being. The General Director of the Youth Institute of Nuevo León (INJUVE), Edelmiro Cavazos Valdés, recently held meetings with representatives of the Consulates of the United States and Canada to discuss the establishment of agreements that would allow young people to access high-quality educational programs in Canada and the United States [[1]].

These programs include a variety of diplomas, courses, and learning experiences that will not only broaden the horizons of young people but also strengthen international ties and promote cultural exchange [[1]]. The aim is for young people to be able to demonstrate and apply the knowledge acquired abroad upon returning to Nuevo León, thereby contributing to the development of the state.

The importance of these scholarships cannot be overstated, as they serve as a fundamental tool for the professional and personal development of the youth of Nuevo León [[1]]. Edelmiro Cavazos emphasized the significance of these educational opportunities, stating that they not only broaden the horizons of young people but also strengthen international ties and promote cultural exchange [[1]].

In addition to international collaboration, the state of Nuevo León is also prioritizing psychological well-being as a crucial aspect of education. In



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