Injustice Exposed: Court Orders Massive Compensation for Domestic Worker Raped and Tortured in Kuwait City

2023-09-08 18:51:27

Kuwait City: The court ruled to pay huge compensation to the domestic worker who was raped by the sponsor’s son and got her pregnant. A 32-year-old woman from Sri Lanka was tortured.

The sponsor, who knew that the woman was pregnant, brought the doctor home and performed an abortion on the woman. He threatened not to divulge the matter.

The woman’s health deteriorated after the abortion and her employer took her to the airport to be sent home. But the authorities refused to take the woman on the plane due to her deteriorating health. This was also reported to the Sri Lankan Embassy in Kuwait. The Sri Lankan Embassy intervened in the matter and filed a case against the employer. The court then ordered the woman to pay an amount equal to 21000 American dollars (68 lakh Sri Lankan rupees) as compensation.

#Sponsors #son #molested #pregnant #housemaid #awarded #huge #compensation #NEWS #GULF

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