Initial training of nursing auxiliaries: a decree makes changes

2023-06-15 15:41:41

A decree published on June 11 substantially modifies the operation of paramedical training institutes, in particular for the training of nursing assistants.s and more specifically for the validation of their internships and their training in digital health.

-For an internship to be validated, the effective attendance time of the student must be at least 80%. Over the entire clinical training course of the student, absences cannot exceed 10% of the total duration of the internships. Beyond that, the internship is subject to recovery. The text specifies that these measures are not applicable to the training of caregiversfor which the maximum duration of authorized absence during training is set by its own text (article 6 of the decree of June 10, 2021 relating to training leading to the state diploma of nursing assistant and laying down various provisions relating to operating procedures of medical training institutes).
– Re caregiver training schedule, the decree specifies that from the start of the 2023 academic year, the last week of training will take place within the training institute or, possibly, will correspond to a period of leave. It can also include days in a training institute and others on leave. The last course will end the penultimate week of training.
– The text also details the digital health training which can be followed discontinued ” during the training by the student or ” the learner“. The decree specifies that it is organized ” at the latest » from the start of the 2025 academic year. The evaluation of these courses is integrated into the evaluation of the modules concerned.
– L’evaluation of the acquisition of skill blocks as well as the terms specifying the composition and operation of the results acquisition validation commission is also specified in the order.

• Order of June 9, 2023 on various changes relating to the operating procedures of paramedical training institutes and training leading to state diplomas of nursing assistant and childcare assistant; JORF n°0134 of June 11, 2023 Text n° 19.

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