The documentary film entitled Ininnawa: An Island Calling, by Director Arfan Sabran, which won the Citra Cup at the Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) in 2022, can be watched by fans on the local content provider platform Online Cinema.
Previously, this film premiered at the EBS International Documentary Film Festival (EIDF) in South Korea (South Korea) in August 2023, was selected at the CinefestOz film festival, Australia in September 2023 and the Dili International Film Festival in Timor Leste.
Additionally, the documentary was screened on television channels on EBS South Korea and Al Jazeera English and Arabic in 2023.
The film Ininnawa: An Island Calling tells the story of a woman named Mimi and her mother who become health workers to dedicate their lives to serving public health on remote islands in Indonesia.
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Mimi works on islands that are more than 30 hours by sea from South Sulawesi.
Her husband, Hasri, also separated from the family to pursue his calling and work on the islands. Gatherings with family are very rare.
As a nurse who has worked for decades, Mimi’s mother, Rabiah, is starting to retire. He handed over the baton to his daughter. Rabiah returns to the island to become an unofficial nurse.
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In the film, Mimi’s challenges, fears and anxieties are really highlighted when she starts her job as a nurse in a remote area.
Moreover, as a large country with 265 million people spread across 17,000 islands, Indonesia is experiencing serious challenges in the health sector.
One of the biggest challenges faced is the unequal distribution of health workers. The number of nurses is now large, but the largest distribution is still on the island of Java and big cities.
As director, Arfan Sabran also admitted that it took approximately 15 years with Rabiah and her family to create the film’s storyline. He has collected 100 hours of footage of Rabiah and Mimi’s lives. (Ant/Z-1)
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