Ingeniously, this boy avoided being kidnapped: “Act like you are my mom”

In Pennsylvania, USA , Sammy Green, age 10, lived moments of terror when he went home following leaving school. The minor met a stranger who tried to kidnap him. The event was recorded on a security camera at an establishment where the child arrived.

As reported Daily Mail , Sammy Green was chased by a woman who asked him to accompany him to another place, the stranger posing as a family friend. After seeing that the little boy did not agree to her request, he began to chase him, so the boy entered a store and quickly approached Hannah Daniels, the young woman who attended the place.

“He whispered to me ‘act like you’re my mom, this lady is following me'”said Hannah, who didn’t hesitate to confront the stranger.

Sammy Green’s action and Hannah’s help were applauded by relatives of the child and by users on social networks.

“When we were watching that video, I cried every time I watched it,” said the boy’s father. “Thank God that he managed to escape from the witch who wanted to kidnap him”, “Very clever, I hope the little boy is okay”were some reactions from Internet users.



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