Information on basic food basket allocations in Cuba

MINCIN reports on delays and schedule for distribution of basic food basket in Cuba for September.

The Provincial Trade Company in Havana has released details of the food allocations corresponding to the basic basket for the month of September. These products, distributed through the ration book, are insufficient to cover food needs, but they represent a lifeline for millions of families on the island.

Distribution of rice and tea

This month, a total of 7 pounds of rice have been allocated to each consumer. Delivery will be made in installments, depending on availability in each territory. The distribution of 10 ounces of peas is also underway, a fundamental product within the basic food basket, which although limited, is a necessary resource for many Cuban families.

Sugar and salt: products in the distribution process

The distribution of 2 pounds of sugar per person has begun in Havana. Salt, which is distributed according to the composition of the family unit, will be delivered in those territories that have sufficient availability. Although these products are essential, the quantities allocated remain limited, and many families depend on this distribution for their daily sustenance.

Compotes for children and fish for medical diets

For children under 3 years of age, 13 boxes of compote will be distributed this month. In addition, consumers on medical diets will receive 6 pounds of fish, a delivery corresponding to the months of August, September and October. These products, although scarce, are vital for those with special nutritional needs.

Allowances for pregnant women

Pregnant women will receive 30 units of quail eggs in September, as part of efforts to ensure adequate nutrition during pregnancy. This allocation seeks to improve the nutrition of one of the most vulnerable groups in the context of the food crisis facing the country.

Although the allocations in Havana tend to be more varied than in other provinces, they are still insufficient to cover the daily needs of families. The limited quantities distributed through the ration book are not enough to cover a full meal for the month, which forces families to look for alternatives in unregulated markets, where prices are high.

For more information, the Provincial Trade Company in Havana has enabled the telephone numbers 7204-7185 (food) and 7204-6980 (non-food products).

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