Information meeting GeheugenKracht about memory problems – Regio Online Netherlands

For many people, concerns about memory are a recognizable and sensitive topic. The informative meeting GeheugenKracht addresses this issue in order to discuss these concerns and provide information and support. The meeting is organized by Alzheimer Nederland, Southeast Brabant department. This meeting will take place on Thursday, November 7 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the Waalre Library.

Memory Power offers an accessible opportunity for anyone who wants to know more about memory, its functioning and the possible causes of memory problems.


The following topics will be discussed during the meeting:

  • How does memory work? Discover how our memory functions and what can happen if this process is disrupted.
  • Differences between forgetfulness, memory loss (dementia) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The differences between these types of memory problems are explained, so that you can better recognize what is going on.
  • Space for questions and experiences. There is plenty of room to ask questions, share experiences and express concerns.
  • Practical tips. Participants receive useful advice for dealing with mild memory problems.

The meeting is supervised by volunteers from Alzheimer Nederland, who with their knowledge and experience offer a safe and informal environment where visitors feel heard.

To register

Participation in GeheugenKracht is free, but registration is required due to the limited number of places:

About Alzheimer Netherlands, Southeast Brabant department

Alzheimer Nederland is committed to people with dementia and their loved ones. The Southeast Brabant department organizes various activities and meetings aimed at increasing knowledge and understanding of dementia, and offering support to people who encounter memory problems.

Memory Power: The Not-So-Secret Meeting You Didn’t Know You Needed

We all know that sometimes, our minds can be as elusive as a cat at bath time. You know, one minute you’re confidently recalling the name of that film with the guy in it—oh, what’s it called?—and the next minute, you’re searching for your glasses when they’re perched right on your head. So, if you’ve ever been in the memory fog and thought, “Is this just a phase, or should I be worried?” then have I got news for you!

Enter GeheugenKracht, a surprisingly fun meeting organized by none other than Alzheimer Nederland’s Southeast Brabant department. It’s happening on Thursday, November 7 from 2 PM to 4 PM at the Waalre Library. Because, let’s face it, where else would you want a lively discussion on memory? Nothing screams thrilling afternoon quite like a library meeting on forgetting where you put the remote!

What’s on the Agenda?

Here’s a lowdown of what you can expect when you rock up to this “memory power” event:

  • How does memory work? Ever wondered if your brain is just a glorified filing cabinet? Well, here you will discover the mechanics behind memory that are stranger than fiction – like why you can remember embarrassing moments from 1998 but can’t recall what you had for breakfast!
  • Forgetfulness vs. Memory Loss vs. Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Let’s demystify the differences among these memory issues. Forgetting where you parked is one thing. Forgetting what parking is? That’s a whole different ball game!
  • Space for questions and experiences. This is the part where you can let loose! Whether it’s sharing your own forgetful escapades or simply raising your hand to ask, “Why is my memory on a permanent vacation?” you’ll find the floor is open for you.
  • Practical tips. Forget your shopping list? Don’t worry! You’ll leave this meeting armed with practical tips that should help you remember those pesky little things (like your partner’s birthday… just saying).

The meeting is led by volunteers from Alzheimer Nederland who ooze both knowledge and experience. They’re the kind of people who turn fretful thoughts into chuckles and questions into answers, all in a comfortable and friendly environment. It’s like therapy, but with less lying down and more friendly faces!

How to Get Involved?

Participation in this enlightening gathering is free of charge. Yes, you heard right—absolutely free! But this is where it gets a tiny bit serious. You must register since space is limited—because let’s be honest, you can only fit so many people in a library without causing an accidental game of human Tetris!

Who is Alzheimer Nederland, Southeast Brabant Department?

Now, let’s give a tip of the hat to Alzheimer Nederland. They’re not just a group of people handing out pamphlets and whispering sweet nothings in your ear; they’re dedicated to supporting those with dementia and their families. Their mission? Increasing understanding and providing support for anyone who’s ever had to hold their head in their hands over a memory lapse. They organize activities that inform as well as entertain. Because really, who doesn’t want a bit of pizazz along with their education?

So, mark your calendars, gather your thoughts (if you can find them), and be sure to grab that precious spot at the GeheugenKracht meeting. Because the only thing worse than forgetting to register is forgetting that your memory needs a little tune-up!



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