Information from the United States Embassy in Cuba

Information from the United States Embassy in Cuba

You can request an appointment by sending an email to [email protected]where an official can guide you to complete the process.

With six weeks until the November 5, 2024 general election in the United States, the United States Embassy in Cuba has reminded American citizens abroad of the importance of registering to vote if they have not already done so. There is still time to complete this crucial process and participate in the election, but the deadline for mailing ballots is quickly shortening.

How can US citizens vote abroad?

In order to vote in the November elections, you must be registered in your home state or territory. The easiest way to check registration status and obtain specific information is through the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP). On its official website, voters can check details on how to register based on their place of residence.

Important deadlines for sending ballots

The embassy has noted that transit time between overseas locations and local voting districts can take up to 20 days. For this reason, the embassy is committed to sending all completed ballots by October 15, 2024, 20 days before election day, to ensure they reach the respective states on time.

Emergency ticket: FWAB

For those who do not receive their ballot before October 6, 2024, despite having requested it on time, there is an alternative: the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB). This emergency ballot is available online through a wizard or in PDF format at the following link: FWAB. This option allows voters to cast their vote even if they have not received the official ballot.

Assistance at the embassy

The U.S. Embassy in Havana is providing assistance to voters who need help with the process. An appointment can be requested by email at [email protected]and an official will assist you to complete the voting process.

This embassy announcement is part of ongoing efforts to ensure that all U.S. citizens abroad can exercise their right to vote in the 2024 elections.

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