Information for retirees and pensioners in Havana

Cuban retirees, in the midst of the current crisis, continue to demand an increase in pensions following wage increases in some sectors such as Health and Education.

The recent Resolution 7 of 2024 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Cuba, published in the Official Gazette last May, brought new salary measures for workers in the Education, Health and Higher Education sectors.

The decision sparked an intense debate among Cubans, particularly retirees and pensioners, who feel excluded amid an increasingly deep economic crisis on the island.

The move has highlighted the growing demand from retirees for an increase in their pensions, in response to the disparity created by recent wage cuts in other sectors, as well as inflation and rising prices in Cuba.

“I will never understand the low salaries of retirees. I don’t think it’s because the State doesn’t have money to increase their salaries. In Cuba there are huge salaries, whether they are fixed salaries or based on results every three months,” they claim.

Havana: information for retirees and pensioners

Amid technological and computer problems, the Metropolitan Bank of Havana launched information for retirees and pensioners, for the collection of pensions and retirement benefits this August.

These are the payment dates for retirees and pensioners of social security in Havana, maintaining five payment dates in the month.

Group 1 Born until 1944: August 22
Group 2 Born between 1945 and 1950: August 23
Group 3 Born between 1951 and 1955: August 24
Group 4 Born between 1956 and 1961: August 26
Group 5 Born after 1962: August 27

The last day of payment for retirees and pensioners who receive their pay by electronic payroll in the month is September 4, 2024, details Banco Metropolitano.

Retired pensioners Havana

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