INFOGRAPHICS – Employment: France faced with an unprecedented wave of resignations?

However, these figures need to be put into perspective. Although high, they are not unprecedented given the current labor market situation. The phenomenon can be explained quite simply: the strong demand for hiring on the part of companies creates opportunities for employees already in post and is likely, in return, to lead to more numerous resignations.

Are employees in a position of strength? Sophia Gabriel, employed in the construction industry, also left her CDI to play competition. She works in construction, a sector that is struggling to recruit. “Sometimes I have three to four calls a day”she describes. “Now I become more selective. When I see that the atmosphere does not suit me, I say ‘bye’ to the employer”.

By changing employers, she renegotiated her salary. She receives 1000 euros more per month and has gained in quality of life. “For years I sacrificed my personal well-being. Now I’m not okay with that anymore”, she adds. Like Sophia Gabriel, after resigning, eight out of ten French people found a job in less than a year.

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