Influencer ended up ‘in a wheelchair’ for enduring stomach gas for several hours

Gas is air in the intestines that passes through the rectum or through the mouth, if trapped in the stomach. However, sometimes They usually appear at the most inopportune moments, such as -for example- a romantic date; as it happened to a well-known youtuber Brazilian woman who ended up in the emergency room of a hospital for not expelling these gases from her body.

Vitoria De Felice Moraes, better known in the world of entertainment as Viih Tube, experienced a distressing moment for repressing a fart. The influencer He recounted the unusual event through his profile on Instagram, a social network in which he has more than 23.5 million followers.

According to the 21-year-old girl, the situation began when she was enjoying festival ‘Rock in Rio’ that was celebrated in Lisbon (Portugal) in the company of her boyfriend Eliezer, famous for his participation in realities television, and felt like passing gas.

But, according to what he said, out of shame with his partner, he decided not to expel the gas from his body and for several hours he repressed it. Until this “took its toll” on him, when Viih Tube, who was at the airport, began to feel intense abdominal pain.

“I began to feel unbearable pain at the airport and they even put me in a wheelchair,” the Brazilian singer-songwriter told the British newspaper. The Sun. She was immediately taken to the infirmary and later to the hospital.

At the medical center, following the respective tests, they confirmed that it was not a serious illness. However, they recommended that he no longer repress the release of gases from the body.

“It turned out to be gas,” he said with a laugh. “I ended up in a wheelchair because I was too embarrassed to fart in front of my boyfriend.”, said the influencer via Instagram. The situation, fortunately, did not escalate and the young woman is in good health.

Through Instagram stories, he told what happened. – Photo: Instagram @viihtube

Foods that produce stomach gas the most

The portal your health revealed the foods that can generate gases more frequently. It is worth mentioning that this changes according to the organism of each person.

  • Beans: Beans and legumes in general often upset the stomach. This happens because they are naturally rich in fiber and resistant starches such as raffinose, which are not fully digested by the body. These compounds are fermented by bacteria in the colon producing flatulence and gas. To reduce the impact of this food on the body, experts advise soaking the beans for 12 hours for its preparation.
  • Vegetables: vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, onion, garlic and asparagus can cause excess gas in the body. This is because they are rich in fiber and have raffinose, which is not digested by the body and is fermented in the intestine.
  • Fruits: apples, peaches, pears and plums contain soluble fibers that can cause flatulence and gas in some people. Also, Containing fructose, this type of sugar is not fully absorbed by the intestine, which increases gas production.
  • Milk and its derivatives: When a person is lactose intolerant, it is because their body does not contain enough lactase, an enzyme that directs this sugar to the intestine. not being digested, provokes intestinal bacteria, which release hydrogen and short-chain fatty acids.
  • Chewing gum: chewing gum or eating candy causes the digestion of air, known as aerophagia, which produces flatulence and stomach discomfort. Some chewing gums contain sorbitol, mannitol, or xylitol; these are sugars that can gas when fermented in the colon.
  • Carbonated drinks: Sparkling waters, sodas, beers, and flavored beverages draw air into the intestine, causing gas production.
  • Avena: Despite being a food rich in potassium, it contains fiber, raffinose and starch that increase the formation of intestinal gas. It should be noted that whole foods can also cause flatulence.
  • stews: These generally contain fructose, fermented fibers, and lectins, which are associated with bloating and increased flatulence.



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