Infection: Virus partly responsible for multiple sclerosis

More than 90 percent of all people become infected with the in the course of their life Epstein-Barr-Virus. The infection is usually completely symptom-free, especially in the first few years of life. Adolescents and young adults suffer more often from fever, tiredness, sore throat – symptoms of the Pfeiffer’s glandular fever, also known as ‘kiss disease’ because the virus spreads through body fluids.

Like all herpes viruses, Epstein-Barr stays in the body permanently. Since its discovery in the 1960s, the pathogen has been associated with some cancers, such as lymph gland cancer (Hodgkin’s disease). In the meantime, we also know other viruses that can cause cancer or are a prerequisite for its development: e.g. humane Papillomviren for cervical cancer – there is now a vaccination once morest this.

But not only cancer, other serious and sometimes incurable diseases might ultimately be the result of a viral disease. The Epstein-Barr virus is roughly considered to be the possible cause of the chronic fatigue syndrome – A comparable connection is currently also being discussed for SARS-CoV-2 and “Long Covid”. In addition, there has long been the assumption that Epstein-Barr was also at Multiple sclerosis (MS) might play a role. For this, the one that has just been published in the specialist magazine “Science” delivers study According to many experts, this is the most comprehensive evidence to date.

Probable requirement

For the work, blood samples from over ten million US military employees were examined. These are routinely tested for HIV every year during their professional career with a blood sample. The researchers have to Alberto Ascherio from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston identified 801 people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in their professional lives. In the end, all but one had Epstein-Barr antibodies in their blood. At the beginning of the period, 35 of them were negative.

In addition, the study authors were able to show that the originally Epstein-Barr-negative people did not initially have any biomarkers for MS, but they did following the infection. “The study makes it very, very likely that an infection is a prerequisite for multiple sclerosis,” said so Wolfgang Hammerschmidt from the Helmholtz Zentrum München opposite the German Science Media Center to the study results. Whether Epstein-Barr viruses are actually the cause or the driver remains open. Unfortunately, the study did not differentiate between a symptom-free infection and Pfeiffer’s glandular fever. Because the latter is known to increase the MS risk.

Other risk factors

for Roland Martin From the University Hospital Zurich, the new study provides extensive evidence for the well-known risk factor, but seeing Epstein-Barr virus as the main cause of MS goes too far for him. “The data on the cause of MS over the past 20 years indicate that there is a complex genetic background,” Martin told the Science Media Center. According to the MS expert, in addition to genes, a number of environmental factors probably also have an influence on the development of the disease: low vitamin D, smoking, obesity in late childhood or early adulthood, shift work or a disturbed day-night rhythm and certain intestinal bacteria.

According to the experts, vaccination would be an ideal means of eliminating the Epstein-Barr virus risk factor. According to Hammerschmidt, however, this is not very realistic given the current status. It would be conceivable, however, to prevent at least one symptomatic course – i.e. Pfeiffer’s glandular fever – with a vaccine.

Also Klemens Ruprecht from the MS outpatient clinic of the Charité in Berlin praises the well-done study, but emphasizes: “Even if an infection with the Epstein-Barr virus is a necessary prerequisite for the development of MS, it is important to point out that with Not every infected person develops MS. ”However, multiple sclerosis can be viewed as a rare late complication.



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