INEDIVIM: Anna Rokophyllou gave a solution to the problem with the payment of SAEK trainers 2024-07-25 22:54:57

With the payment that will be made, 7,357 contracts concerning 6,058 hourly instructors with EFKA insurance will be paid for the Spring Semester 2024A which ended on 6/30/2024. The total amount paid by INEDIVIM amounts to €11,950,741.36 which corresponds to a total of 585,940 teaching hours.

«As it seems, the new management of INEDIVIM is moving in the right direction. The last good news, that our trainers will be paid by the end of July. Good summer to everyone” wrote the president of the directors PANEDIEK, Anastasios Kakouros.

«We don’t celebrate, because it happens self-explanatory. However we express our satisfaction because will be paid on time, during or before their summer vacation the people who had completed their work almost two months ago, at the end of June that is. It is noted that the SAEK trainers in question until now were paid up to six months after the completion of their work, a situation unacceptable for them and for all of us. We are called to deal with age-old pathologies and we do so consistently and methodically.

It is confirmed that we keep our commitments. Since last April, we have promised to initiate the procedures so that next semester we can deal with the issue of signing contracts on time so that the phenomenon does not happen again, despite the existing crooked system. We said it, we did it. That is why I want to publicly thank all the government and service agents who gave their best to overcome the bureaucratic obstacles and for these people to get their money on time” said the president of INEDIVIM, Anna Rokofillou.

The new management of INEDIVIM leans with empathy and awareness over the problems that constantly arise and finds solutions.

  • As he did in early July, when INEDIVIM took over the housing costs for the next two years, (the academic years 2024-2025 and 2025-2026) of eligible students in hotels, in areas where there are no beds available in University student residences. Beds will thus be made available for 650-700 beneficiaries each year (in double and single hotel rooms) to students studying at the Universities of Crete, Western Macedonia and Democritus of Thrace. next period of time. And in fact, apart from Heraklion in Crete, the other cities include first time that this possibility is provided and, in fact, without our Foundation asking for corresponding additional government funding.
  • As he did recently, with cancellation of the housing fee for students, which range from 5 to 45 euros per month, i.e. from 60 to 540 euros per year, relieving their families of a significant burden.
  • As is the case with our constant care for her improvement of nutrition but also him modernization of the Hospital facilities responsibility of INEDIVIM.

The new administration and the president of the Foundation, Mrs. Anna Rokophyllou, are always at the disposal of institutions, trainers and students for constructive dialogue through which they always arise solutions. After all, the common goal of all of us is to improve the services provided, with respect on taxpayers’ money.

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