INEA suspends the departure of all types of vessels until 29Jul

INEA suspends sailing until Monday! He National Institute of Aquatic Spaces (INEA) announced in a statement the suspension of the departure of recreational and sports vessels throughout the country, starting at 6:00 p.m. this Friday until 6:00 a.m. on Monday, July 29.

The measure is intended to “protect the inviolability of the border and prevent activities by persons who could represent a threat to the security of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,” in light of the presidential election this Sunday, the text states.

Likewise, in the text released by the Strategic Operational Commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Domingo Hernández Lárez, it is detailed that the measure is directed at sailors, shipping agencies, marinas and shipowners.

INEA suspends the departure of all types of vessels

Likewise, it states that in this way the guidelines contemplated in Joint Resolution No. 072 of July 18, 2024, between the Ministry of People’s Power for Defense and for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, are complied with.

In addition, the conditions agreed upon by both Venezuelan state institutions include the closure of borders, prohibition of carrying weapons, and the holding of meetings or public events 24 hours before the start of the electoral process.

The measures are intended to guarantee the protection of citizens and their right to participate in the elections, in which more than 21 million people are called to vote, who will go to the more than 30 thousand polling stations set up throughout the South American country.

INEA suspends departure

The Ceofanb, through the Strategic Regions of Comprehensive Defense, will be responsible for establishing strict border control by land, air and sea.

With information from Agencies

#INEA #suspends #departure #types #vessels #29Jul
2024-07-27 22:31:06



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