INE March 2023: This is how we have told you about the opposition protest in defense of the INE

The leaders of the PRI and the PAN arrive at the Zócalo of the capital

The president of the National Action Party (PAN), Marko Cortés, and the President of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Alejandro Alito Moreno, have joined the demonstration this Sunday against the electoral reform known as “plan B”. The mobilization concentrates the protesters in the Zócalo of the capital, a place they did not access during their last march on November 13, when it culminated in the Monument to the Revolution.

The organizers of the protest (United for Mexico 2024), foresee that it will spread to 82 cities “in Mexico and abroad.” “Mexicans and Mexicans are on the side of democracy, together we make ourselves heard so that the country’s democratic institutions are not destroyed,” the PRI leader has published on networks. For his part, Cortés has defended that Mexican democracy “is priceless.” “In the National Palace they are going to listen to us,” he added through a tweet. So far, the third leader of the Va por México coalition, Jesus Zambrano (Party of the Democratic Revolution), has not arrived at the demonstration, although last Saturday he sent a message of support for the protest. Reports Rodrigo Soriano

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