Industry: Recorded a 10.3% increase in January – 2024-07-08 02:14:15

The General Index of Industrial Production (GIP) of January 2024 saw a significant increase compared to the corresponding index of 2023, reaching 10.3%.

The seasonally adjusted General Index of Industrial Production for the month of January 2024, compared to the corresponding index for December 2023, showed an increase of 3.1%).

The pointers

The index for the production of basic pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical products saw the largest percentage increase, while the index for the manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers saw the largest percentage decrease, during January 2024 compared to December 2023.

When comparing the indicators of January 2024 with the corresponding indicators of January 2023, the largest percentage increase was recorded in the electricity supply sector, while the largest percentage decrease was recorded in the mining of coal and lignite – extraction of crude oil and natural gas – mining support activities sectors .

Comparison of January 2024 with January 2023

According to iefimerida, the increase in the number of working days corrected General Index of Industrial Production by 10.3% in the month of January 2024, compared to the corresponding index in January 2023, came from the following changes in the indices of individual sectors industry:

From the increase:

  • By 34.0% of the Electricity Supply Index.
  • By 6.1% of the Mines – Quarries Index. This increase is due to the changes in the indices of the two-digit branches: other mines and quarries, ore extraction.
  • By 5.4% of the Manufacturing Index. This increase was mainly contributed by the changes in the indices of the two-digit branches: production of other non-metallic mineral products, production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations, repair and installation of machinery and equipment, manufacture of metal products, manufacture of other transport equipment.
  • By 2.9% of the Water Supply Index. II. Comparison of January 2024 with December 2023.

Comparison of January 2024 with December 2023

The increase in the seasonally adjusted General Index of Industrial Production by 3.1% in the month of January 2024, compared to the corresponding index in December 2023, came from the following changes in the indices of individual industry sectors:

1. From the increase:

  • By 9.2% of the Electricity Supply Index.
  • By 2.6% of the Mines – Quarries Index.
  • By 0.9% of the Manufacturing Index.

2. From the reduction:

  • By 0.5% of the Water Supply Index.

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#Industry #Recorded #increase #January



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