Industrial growth up 3.1% in November Industrial development India

Industrial growth up 3.1% in November  Industrial development India

New Delhi: Eight basic industries grew by 3.1% in November. The coal, natural gas, refinery products, fertilizers, steel and power sectors grew better than in November. There was no growth in the crude oil and cement sectors. In October, these eight industries recorded a total growth of 8.4%. These industries have a weightage of 40.27% in the Industrial Production Index.


India’s Basic Industries Record 3.1% Growth in November: A Mixed Bag

In a recent development, India’s eight basic industries exhibited a growth rate of 3.1% in November, marking a decline from the 8.4% growth recorded in October. This slowdown in growth has sparked concerns about the overall health of the Indian economy. To understand the implications of this development, we need to delve into the details of the growth patterns in these key industries.

Insights into the Growing Industries

Among the eight basic industries, coal, natural gas, refinery products, fertilizers, steel, and power sectors registered positive growth in November, albeit at a slower pace than in the previous month. These industries play a significant role in driving India’s economic growth, and their performance is closely monitored by policymakers and analysts.

Laggards: Crude Oil and Cement Sectors

On the other hand, the crude oil and cement sectors witnessed no growth in November. This stagnation in growth is a cause for concern, as these sectors are vital to the overall growth of the Indian economy. The crude oil sector, in particular, has been facing significant challenges in recent times, with fluctuations in global oil prices impacting domestic crude oil production.

Industrial Production Index (IPI): A Broader Perspective

To put these numbers into perspective, we need to understand the concept of the Industrial Production Index (IPI). The IPI is a monthly economic indicator that measures real output in the manufacturing, mining, electric, and gas industries [[3]]. The eight basic industries mentioned earlier have a weightage of 40.27% in the IPI, which highlights their significance in driving India’s industrial growth.

US Industrial Production Index (INDPRO) for Comparison

For a broader understanding, we can draw a parallel with the US Industrial Production Index (INDPRO), which measures the real output of all relevant establishments located in the United States [[1]]. While the growth rates may vary, both the IPI and INDPRO are important indicators of a nation’s industrial health.

IBISWorld’s Data on Industrial Production Index

Further analysis by IBISWorld, a research firm, provides insights into the global Industrial Production Index, highlighting trends and growth patterns in various countries, including the United States [[2]].


while the 3.1% growth in India’s basic industries in November is welcome news, the laggard performance of the crude oil and cement sectors is a cause for concern. The slow growth in these sectors could have larger implications for the overall economy. Policymakers and industry leaders will need to monitor the developments in these sectors closely and implement targeted interventions to revive growth. As the eight basic industries account for nearly 40% of the IPI, their performance holds significant implications for India’s overall industrial growth.

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