Industrial Business Confidence Index grows

2024-01-19 17:04:48

The report Industrial Business Confidence Index (ICEI), published on the website Industry Portal in January 2024 it was noted that there was an increase in the ICEI, advancing 2.2 points and reaching the mark of 53.2 points. This growth, according to the report, represents the second consecutive month of expanding confidence in the industrial sector, indicating a positive trend in the perception of businesspeople. The study also shows that the ICEI historical series, which varies from 0 to 100, reveals that values ​​above 50 points denote confidence, while values ​​below signal a lack of confidence.

As pointed out by the report, the analysis of the evolution of the ICEI over time demonstrates the consistency of confidence in the industrial sector. Compared to recent years, the industry remains in an optimistic phase, as evidenced by the report, which measures the intensity and spread of confidence.

The study also provides data on the components of the ICEI, which include the Current Conditions Index and the Expectations Index. The document shows that the index’s advance is driven by improvements in both current conditions and expectations for the next six months. The Current Conditions Index advanced 1.5 points, indicating a perception of improvement, although it still remains below the 50-point dividing line. Expectations, in turn, increased 2.6 points, reaching 55.7 points, indicating optimism for the future, according to the report.

José Antônio Valente, director of the franchises in construction Franquias Trans Obra states that the industry’s persistence in an optimistic phase, as evidenced by comparative data from recent years, highlights the sector’s resilience in the face of economic challenges. José Antônio also said that the data presented supports the idea of ​​a resilient and optimistic sector, indicating a promising outlook for the economy. “This analysis contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of the industrial sector, providing valuable insights for businesspeople, investors and others interested in the country’s economic development.”

Still on the published study, which can be read in full through the link provided at the beginning of the article, it points out that the assessment of Brazilian economic conditions by businesspeople also contributes to the ICEI analysis. In January 2024, expectations regarding the Brazilian economy left the pessimistic camp, registering a significant increase from 46.3 points to 50.1 points. According to the study, this change signals a more optimistic view of businesspeople regarding the country’s economic scenario.


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