Industrial and artisanal transformation: the performance of projects and programs reviewed

2023-09-11 08:29:33

• The PACAO-BF Project and Promutab record outstanding performances

• Energy: 4 out of eleven projects are red

• National regulations take precedence over PTF conditions

LThe development projects and programs (PPD) in the industrial and artisanal processing sector (TIA) implemented during the years 2021 and 2022 were subject to a performance evaluation during a Sectoral assembly organized on July 12, 2023, in Ouagadougou, by the General Directorate of Sectoral Studies and Statistics (DGESS) of the Ministry in charge of industrial development (DGESS/MDICAPME). The evaluation work was chaired by Amadou Sagnon, Inspector General of Ministry Services. A total of 15 projects and programs were reviewed by the Sectoral Assembly of the industrial and artisanal processing sector (TIA), among which, four were from the Ministry of Industrial Development, Commerce, Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises (MDICAPME) and eleven from the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries (MEMC).

The average performance of 33.48 out of 50 for the 15 projects evaluated was considered satisfactory by the participants, for whom 33.48 is part of the category of second-rank PPD, that is to say, which have good performance acceptable. The performance of the PPDs is rated out of 50, according to the General Director of Studies and Sectoral Statistics of MDICAPME, Rakiata Guigma née Nabi. The first-tier PPD category has a score greater than or equal to 40. Second-tier PPDs have a score between 25 and 40 and third-tier PPDs have a score less than or equal to 25.

The PACAO-BF Project close to 100% achievement of its objectives in 2021-2022

On behalf of the Ministry of Industrial Development, Trade, Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises (MDICAPME), four projects and programs were scrutinized. These are the Project to strengthen the technical and entrepreneurial skills of Burkinabè artisans through the establishment of a National Support Center for artisanal cotton processing (CNATAC), the Project to upgrade cotton processing units Cashew Cashew of Burkina Faso (ProMUTAB), the Impulse Project and the West African Competitiveness Support Project, Burkina Faso Component (PACAO-BF).

The PACAO-BF and ProMUTAB projects recorded very good performance over the evaluation period (2021-2022). Indeed, the PACAO-BF project recorded a score of 49.5 out of 50 over the period and the ProMUTAB project a score of 50 out of 50, classifying them both in the category of first-tier PPDs deemed green. Compared to the previous period (2019-2020), the PACAO-BF project achieved a significant improvement, going from 41 out of 50 at the 2021 assessment to 49.5 out of 50 in 2023. The CNATAC project also achieved an improvement of his performance. Despite this, it remained in the category of second-tier projects deemed orange. Indeed, its average increased from 28.25 out of 50 in 2021 to 39.5 out of 50 in 2023. The IMPULSE project, for its part, recorded a second-rank performance. However, it was not the subject of an evaluation in 2021, just like the ProMUTAB project. Furthermore, in terms of maturity, PACAO-BF, CNATAC and IMPULSE are currently being implemented. Only the ProMUTAB project is in the start-up phase in 2021-2022.

The rating of the YELEEN project is experiencing a profound deterioration

Under the Ministry of Energy, eleven Development Projects and Programs (PPD) fall within the industrial and artisanal processing (TIA) sector. The Sectoral Assembly carried out their evaluation on the basis of the report provided by DGESS/MDICAPME.

Among these projects are the Electricity Sector Support Project (PASEL), the Electrification Project for Peri-Urban Areas of Ouaga and Bobo (PEPU), the Project to Strengthen the National Interconnected Network (PR-RNI , the Decentralized Rural Electrification Project using a photovoltaic solar system in 42 localities (PERD/SPV-42), the YELEEN “rural electrification” project and the YELEEN Project “development of photovoltaic solar power plants and strengthening of the national electricity system”

Four projects among the eleven in the energy sector are in the red, that is to say, they have performances lower than 25 out of 50. These are the PEDECEL Project, which obtained a score of 20 out of 50, the YELEEN rural electrification project, with a score of 11.75, the PR-RNI project, 11.87 out of 50 and the PERD/SPV-42 project, with a score of 11.12 out of 50. The PR-RNI and PERD/SPV-42 were ranked second in the evaluation in 2021, before falling to red (third rank) in 2023. As for the YELEEN “rural electrification” project, it remained red and its rating even deteriorated. going from 17.152 in 2021 to 11.12 in 2023. For the YELEEN “rural electrification” project, the DGESS explained that the poor performance was due to unsuccessful calls for tender for works due to prequalification criteria and security problems in the project execution area. For the PR-RNI, it is the withdrawal of service providers and the long delays in obtaining the amendment without financial impact relating to the change of bank of the company awarded the contract for execution of the works, the ANO of BOAD, which would be the cause of the poor performance observed.

The assembly proposed that the four projects be placed under surveillance. In addition to these four projects, two others received second-rank (orange) ratings and the other five received first-rank ratings each. The two projects in orange are the PASEL project, with a score of 30.31 and the YELEEN project ”Development of photovoltaic solar power plants and strengthening of the national electrification system” with a score of 26.75, just above from the red zone. This score was lower than what he received in 2021, which was 44 out of 50.



Development projects and programs in brief

LDevelopment projects and programs (PPD) are instruments for implementing public policies, supported by ministerial departments, and whose role is to contribute to improving the living conditions of populations and achieving objectives. set by the government. Sectoral Assemblies are held every two years to evaluate the performance of these PPDs. During the 2023 Sectoral Assembly of the TIA sector, it was emphasized that the PPDs were subject to national regulations in their implementation, but also to the conditions of the technical and financial partners (PTF). Actors can sometimes find themselves in a situation of contradiction in the implementation of a particular project. The participants ruled on the primacy of national regulations over the conditions of TFPs. The sectoral Assemblies are held, as a prelude to the General Assembly of development projects and programs, which is responsible for ruling on the performance reports, evaluating their contribution to the economic and social development of the country and reformulating recommendations to improve their Implementation.o

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