Induction Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer: Results from GCIG INTERLACE Study

2023-10-30 13:24:52

As part of the GCIG INTERLACE study, six weeks of induction chemotherapy including subsequent standard chemo-radiation therapy was compared with chemo-radiation therapy alone in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer. The results demonstrate a clear advantage for the new treatment approach.


Cervical cancer remains a significant global health problem in 2023. For more than two decades, the standard treatment for locally advanced cervical cancer has been a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Thanks to advances in radiotherapy, local control has been improved, but up to 30% of patients still die from metastases, reports Prof. Dr. Mary McCormack from University College London, UK.

The randomized phase III study GCIG INTERLACE aimed to investigate the effectiveness of induction chemotherapy followed by chemo-radiation therapy compared to chemo-radiation therapy alone in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer.

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