Indra Bekti Looks Excellent at the BLUE Concert, Only Eyes Complain


Indra Bekti gave his first appearance as an MC after his surgery some time ago. He appeared in good health on stage.

Indra Bekti took the stage at 19.25 WIB with another program host.

According to detikcom’s monitoring, Indra Bekti looked very healthy and was as good at speaking as usual.

Indra Bekti also occasionally joked to entertain the audience who were waiting for BLUE.

“Hello Indonesia, how are you Indonesia!” said hello to Indra Bekti at the Pullman Hotel, West Jakarta, Tuesday (14/2/2023).

Then the emcee who attended together Indra Bekti also asked for applause from the audience for the artist.

“We want to ask for applause for Indra Bekti, please, it’s amazing that you can finally join us here again,” said the man who accompanied Indra Bekti on stage.

The audience immediately applauded Indra Bekti boisterously.

Besides that, Indra Bekti also complained that his eyes were difficult to see clearly. He delivered it on stage.

The audience kept on shouting their encouragement for Indra Bekti.

“I’m really grateful tonight that I was able to perform, thank God everyone. But those who get eyed again, eye again. Those who come here really have to sing, but do you really know the song by heart?” continued Indra Bekti.

Then, together with Indra Bekti, they sang BLUE’s All Rise. The audience immediately followed Indra Bekti singing.

Watch Video “Indra Bekti Will Comeback to Become the MC at the Blue Concert


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