Indoor plants: Potting, watering, maintenance

Whether green plants or flowering plants, small or large, houseplants can be an important part of office or home design. They give a lively look to your cottage!

Living conditions indoor plants

As in their natural environment, several factors are essential for plant growth:


No plant can live without light. Light is essential for plants that synthesize their nutrients under the effect of sunlight. Place your indoor plants in the brightest areas of the house, usually near windows. However, artificial lighting (fluorescent tubes or better, mercury or sodium lamps) makes it possible to install plants in the darkest places.

The ideal exposure for indoor plants is near an east-facing window.


Most indoor plants tolerate the temperature of our apartments, but dread excessive heating which dries them out. Mist foliage if heating above 18°C. Most appreciate a vegetative rest during the winter, which implies a drop in temperature of a few degrees. In addition, these plants, especially flowering plants, appreciate a temperature variation of 2-3°C between day and night.

For this, a heater equipped with a regulating thermostat is necessary. Finally, avoid drafts. In summer, a stay of most houseplants in the garden is beneficial; only avoid taking out small species or fragile plants.


So that the plants do not dry out, maintain high humidity, especially when it is hot or when there is heating. For this, mist the foliage regularly. This operation is essential.


There is no set rule for watering houseplants; it varies according to ambient humidity, temperature… However, except for semi-aquatic plants such as papyrus, water regularly and wait for the surface of the soil to dry before watering once more.

Indoor plants are afraid, especially in winter, of excess water, which quickly leads to rotting of the plant. One hour following watering, empty the water that remains in the saucer, under the pot. Use non-calcareous water (mineral water, rainwater or add a few drops of oxalic acid or vinegar per liter of water).

Fertilizer inputs

Use a special fertilizer for green plants or revitalizing monodoses for green plants (1 dose of 30 ml corresponds to a cure of 4 weeks). Make the contributions during the growth period, mainly between March and September. A nutrient intake every 15 days is sufficient. Never exceed the doses prescribed on the boxes.

Planting and repotting

A plant is repotted when the root system becomes too large and covers the root ball, when growth is slowed down (few and smaller new leaves) or when it flowers too little. In all cases, choose a container whose diameter is 2 or 3 cm greater than that of the old container.

Essential to provide, drainage: place clay balls or pebbles at the bottom of the pot.

Routine maintenance

•On green plants such as yucca, ficus or dracaena, clean the foliage regularly. Indeed, the dust on the leaves acts as a screen for the light.

•The pruning of indoor plants consists of cutting dead branches, stunted shoots, damaged leaves, diseased twigs and faded flowers; all with the help of a pruner.

•Most large-growing plants require staking to support and direct the imposing foliage.

Bad growing conditions: symptoms and remedies Lack of light

The stems of the plant wither away by lengthening excessively? Bring the plants closer to the window or provide artificial lighting.

Excess or lack of watering

The plant wilts and the foliage turns yellow. In case of excess humidity, let the substrate dry out well and repot. Otherwise, drench the plant.

Low humidity

The foliage turns yellow and gradually falls off, the edges of the leaves have dry brown necroses, growth is stunted. Then mist abundantly with water at room temperature, insisting on the underside of the foliage.

sun burns

If there is too much sun, the foliage burns and turns brown. Protect the plant from direct sunlight and cut off affected parts.

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