Indonesian Students Win Eight Medals at 2024 International Earth Science Olympiad

Medal winners at the 17th Earth Science Olympiad (IESO). (Doc. Ministry of Education, Culture, and Research and Technology)

Indonesian students have once again made a brilliant achievement in an international talent event. Four Indonesian students who are members of the Indonesian Earth Science Olympiad Team have won three silver medals and five bronze medals at the 17th International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO). This achievement is a special gift on the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.

“The achievements of the younger siblings are a proud moment coinciding with the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. Congratulations to the younger siblings who have fought and made Indonesia’s name famous in the IESO event,” said the Head of the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek), Maria Veronica Irene Herdjiono as reported in an official statement, quoted Tuesday (20/8).

The medal winners at the IESO 2024 event, namely in the individual competition, the silver medal was won by Sanny Onggiesty Dassaniya (SMAS Darma Yudha) and Thomas Chrisant Denen (SMAS Kristen Immanuel Pontianak) and the bronze medal was won by Ammara Shifa Andini (MAN 2 Malang City).

Then, for the ITFI (International Team Field Investigation) team competition, Sanny Onggiesty Dassaniya won a bronze medal. Furthermore, in the ESP (Earth System Project) team competition, the silver medal was won by Mujib Ahmad Kurniawan (SMA Negeri 1 Kudus) and three bronze medals were won by Sanny Onggiesty Dassaniya, Ammara Shifa Andini, and Thomas Chrisant Denen. The total medals won by Indonesia at the 17th IESO event were 8 medals consisting of three silver medals and five bronze medals.

The students representing Indonesia at this year’s IESO were previously selected from the winners of the 2023 National Science Olympiad (OSN) in Earth Sciences. The students underwent a three-stage selection and coaching facilitated by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

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At the IESO 2024 event, the Indonesian Earth Olympiad Team was accompanied by Ichsan Ibrahim from STMIK Indonesia Mandiri (Leader Mentor), Yan Restu from Gadjah Mada University (Mentor) and Ergy Amar Rifqi from the National Achievement Center (Observer).

IESO Supervisor Coordinator, Ichsan Ibrahim from STMIK Indonesia Mandiri, said that the students had fought hard to be able to bring home medals to their homeland.

“Alhamdulillah, it went well. Our students were able to participate in the competition healthily and seriously. After the competition ends, it does not mean that they stop learning about earth science. They are expected to become earth science scientists in the future who can collaborate internationally,” explained Ichsan.

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One of the winners of the individual competition silver medal and the ITFI bronze medal, Sanny Onggiesty Dassaniya, admitted that she was grateful to be able to present achievements for Indonesia.

“I am very happy to win three medals at IESO and gain valuable experience for the future. Very proud to bring home medals,” he said.

Another student, Thomas Chrisant Denen, also shared his experience participating in the IESO 2024 event. “The journey was long from OSN to participating in three coaching sessions from Puspresnas. While there, we met many friends from various countries,” said Thomas.

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For your information, the 17th International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO) will be held on 7-16 August 2024 in Beijing, People’s Republic of China. Peking University (PKU) is the host this year. IESO 2024 with the theme “Big Data for Our Earth” is attended by 34 participating countries and 1 monitoring country, Kenya.

IESO is a pre-college (high school) student competition for the field of earth sciences covering knowledge of the geosphere (geology and geophysics), hydrosphere (hydrology and oceanography), atmosphere (meteorology and climatology) and planetary science. This activity is under the umbrella of the International Geoscience Education Organization (IGEO) which is an international organization with members of earth science educators/organizations/educational institutions throughout the world for both pre-college and university levels.

In addition to competing, participants also get the opportunity to learn about local culture through cultural programs and visits to several tourist sites that are cultural heritage sites such as the Summer Palace, Great Wall, Olympic Forest Park, Pearl Pavilion, Jade Exhibition Hall, which display traditional and modern life and culture in China. (H-3)

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