“Indispensable”: Rosenkranz wants to create understanding for fraternities

“Indispensable”: Rosenkranz wants to create understanding for fraternities

Table of Contents

It seems ‌that you’ve pasted a significant amount of code and ‌content ‍related to a​ web page, presumably from a news source discussing Walter Rosenkranz, the newly elected President of the National Council‍ in Austria. ‍The content ⁢includes statements⁣ on public education about fraternities, ⁢responses to criticisms from various groups, and specific references to past events⁢ and decisions within the political framework of Austria.

If you ‌have specific questions or need assistance with particular aspects‍ of ​this⁢ content, whether ⁣it’s a ⁤summary,⁤ analysis, or clarification on certain points, feel free to ask!

It seems like you provided a snippet of HTML code from a webpage, which contains an article discussing the comments made by Walter Rosenkranz, the newly elected President of the National Council in Austria.

Summary of the Article:

  1. Main Topic: Walter Rosenkranz refutes criticism about his election and comments on the importance of student associations in Austria’s history.
  2. Public Education: He emphasizes the need for better public education regarding fraternities, which he believes are crucial to the republic’s history.
  3. Criticism from Various Groups: Rosenkranz mentions past criticisms from the Green Party and the Jewish Community of Vienna, referring to them as “one-sided information.”
  4. Dialogue with the Jewish Community: He expresses regret over the lack of dialogue between FPÖ representatives and parts of the Jewish community.
  5. Controversial Comments: The article cites past remarks made by Green Party leader Werner Kogler, which Rosenkranz finds unacceptable.
  6. Sculptures Purchase and Language Usage: He also discusses a controversial purchase of sculptures and his views on gender-neutral language in official documents.

Key Quotes:

  • “Student associations are an indispensable part of the history of the creation of a state.”
  • “I am absolutely rejected by parts of the Jewish community in Austria, that I am denied dialogue and even a handshake at an event.”
  • “What I would like to look at is how this surprise gift came about because it was probably an arbitrary decision.”

Additional Information:

  • The article includes a video section and mentions other interactive elements like polls and ePaper promotions, although these are currently hidden due to cookie settings.

If you want to discuss specific aspects of the article or need help with something else, feel free to ask!

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