“Indignant and incredulous” –

Unarma, the Carabinieri Trade Union Association, expressed “its indignation and disbelief” at the decision of the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Rome to grant house arrest to Gabriel Christian Natale Hjorth, involved in the killing of Vice Brigadier Mario Cerciello Rega in July 2019 in the Capital. “We are not interested in the reasons for the decision. It is a disgrace, this is how much the life of a man of the State is worth”, the reaction of Antonio Nicolosi, general secretary of Unarma. “The reduction of the sentence to 11 years and 4 months and the detention at his grandmother’s house in Fregene represent an affront to the memory of our colleague and raise serious questions regarding the real effectiveness of the judicial system in ensuring justice”, continued Nicolosi.

Shameful Decision. Cerciello's Murderer Serves Sentence at Grandma's House

“The decision comes just before July 26, the anniversary of the death of Vice Brigadier Cerciello Rega. A beautiful gift for his family,” Nicolosi emphasizes. “Unarma joins the Cerciello Rega family in denouncing this injustice and in requesting a judicial system that recognizes the gravity of the crimes and the sacrifice of those who serve the State with dedication and courage. We ask that the institutions seriously reflect on this decision to honor the memory of our colleagues who fell unjustly,” the secretary then concluded on the matter.

Cerciello Murder, Sentences Halved. Gasparri's Wrath: How Will the Judges Sleep?

#Indignant #incredulous #Tempo
2024-07-18 22:08:54



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