Indigenous communities in the Pilcomayo River basin receive training in beekeeping

Asuncion, IP Agency.- It is through the training sessions on initiation to beekeeping, with emphasis on the capture of wild swarms that were carried out within the framework of the 2024 Annual Operational Plan of the Trinational Commission for the Development of the Pilcomayo River Basin. It is for the benefit of the indigenous communities Misión San Leonardo de Escalante and Yichinachat, located in the department of Boquerón, Paraguayan Chaco.

The sessions took place on July 30 and 31, 2024, under the coordination of delegations from the CTN member countries and supported by national institutions of the National Commission with the main objective of improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of the basin. These tools will allow them to generate additional income through beekeeping and aim to promote the sustainable economic development of these communities.

The workshops were led by specialists from the Paraguayan Institute of Agricultural Technology and technicians from the National Commission of the Pilcomayo River of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications.

The program covered essential topics such as bee biology, techniques for capturing wild swarms, proper installation and management of hives, and good practices in beekeeping production.

To complement the theoretical training, practical sessions were held and essential beekeeping materials were donated to start honey production.

This comprehensive strategy ensures that participants acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills essential for success in beekeeping.

As part of the ongoing commitment to these communities, a follow-up plan was announced that will include periodic visits by IPTA and CNRP technicians. These visits will aim to assess the progress of the initiated beekeeping projects, offer ongoing technical advice, ensure the maintenance of good practices in hive management, and identify and address any challenges that arise in the process.

This initiative is part of the CTN’s comprehensive effort to promote sustainable development in the Pilcomayo River basin. By promoting economic activities such as beekeeping, the aim is not only to improve the income of local communities, but also to promote practices that are compatible with environmental conservation and the preservation of the region’s ecosystems.

In addition to being a source of income, beekeeping plays a crucial role in pollination and maintaining biodiversity, perfectly aligning with the CTN’s sustainable development and environmental conservation goals, the Ministry of Public Works reported.

#Indigenous #communities #Pilcomayo #River #basin #receive #training #beekeeping
2024-08-09 22:32:25



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