Indigenous communities in Chaco receive food kits through joint action by SEN and Itaipu

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Itaipu Binacional, in collaboration with the National Emergency Secretariat (SEN), delivered food kits to 770 families from indigenous communities in the department of Presidente Hayes, as part of a social assistance agreement.

Rogelio Sallaberry, Binational’s Social Responsibility advisor, reported that the distribution of basic food baskets benefited ten communities, reaching a total of 770 families.

Leaders of indigenous communities in the area expressed their gratitude for this aid, which comes at a critical time for families.

Local authorities also highlighted that the collaboration between ItaipuU, the SEN and the Armed Forces is making a real difference in the lives of the most vulnerable populations.

According to the detailed report on humanitarian aid, the community of La Herencia received the most aid, with 190 kits. The community of Jerusalem received 170 baskets, while Palo Blanco received 160.

Other communities that benefited were La Rosa Kue (68 kits), Nazaret (46 kits), Macedonia (45 kits), Palo Azul (45 kits), Primavera (31 kits), Chilavert (9 kits) and 4 de Mayo (6 kits). This initiative is part of a broader effort through which a total of 22,000 food baskets have already been distributed to various native groups in recent months.

“These assistance actions are expected to continue,” said Sallaberry. He added that, following the instructions of the Paraguayan general director of Itaipu, Justo Zacarías Irún, the Entity reaffirms its commitment to social development and food security in the most needy regions of the country.

On the other hand, inter-institutional cooperation between Itaipu, the SEN and the Armed Forces has intensified in recent weeks to mitigate the effects of the seasonal drought on the Chaco population.

Within the framework of this initiative, the Binational deployed tanker trucks, each with 20,000 liters of drinking water, from the fleet of the Environmental Management Superintendency, which depends on the Executive Coordination Directorate of the Entity.

This joint action seeks to provide a rapid and effective response to the vital needs of the most vulnerable people in the region.

#Indigenous #communities #Chaco #receive #food #kits #joint #action #SEN #Itaipu
2024-08-22 10:42:08



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