Indian comedian and reality show Bigg Boss 17 winner Manoor Farooqui recently went to Delhi to attend an event, but he had to return from Delhi to Mumbai after receiving threats.
According to an Indian media report, Manoor Farooqui had gone to Delhi for the Entertainers Cricket League. Where they started receiving threats. After which he moved to Mumbai.
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Indian police sources say that they received information about the threats on Saturday night.
Police officials also said that they had been instructed to increase security at the stadium, where the match between the two local teams Haryanvi Hunters and Mumbai Indians was scheduled to take place. According to the police, further investigation is underway.
According to the Indian media, no statement has come out from Manoor or BECL management in this regard.
The report also says that earlier, another player of the event, Alwish, who was going to play for Manoor Farooqui’s opposing team, was threatened with death, after which the stadium was evacuated and The entrance was also sealed.
It should be remembered that Manoor Farooqui has been a target of Indian Hindu extremist organization for a long time and if his professional life is reviewed, he is now going to make his acting debut through a web series “First Copy” after Bigg Boss 17. Manoor has been busy shooting for it for a long time.
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2024-09-23 14:54:49