India votes against Russia for the first time in the UN on the issue of Ukraine – Russia | Ukraine | United Nations | India | Ukraine Crisis

Washington: India voted once morest Russia for the first time in the procedural vote held in the UN Security Council (UNSC). When Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky was invited to address the meeting of the 15-member Security Council via video conference, Russia opposed it and India supported it.

The UNSC met on Wednesday to assess the six-month conflict in Ukraine. After the meeting began, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily A. Nebenzia requested a procedural vote on the participation of the President of Ukraine via video conference.

Nebenzia said Russia was not opposed to Zelensky’s involvement, but that the involvement should be personal. He said that the committee had decided to work virtually during the Covid pandemic but now the committee has returned to normal procedures.

Ferit Hoxha, the ambassador of Albania, argued that Ukraine is at war and in this situation the president needs to be here. He also supported Zelensky’s participation via video conference. The committee then allowed Zelensky to attend the meeting via video conference. Russia voted once morest it. 12 countries including India voted in favour. China abstained.

This is the first time that India has voted once morest Russia on the Ukraine issue since Russia launched military operations in Ukraine in February this year. India’s absence from the UN Security Council over Ukraine has angered the Western powers led by the US. Western countries, including the US, have imposed economic sanctions once morest Russia following its attack on Ukraine.

India has not yet criticized Russia’s military action once morest Ukraine. However, he had repeatedly asked both countries to resolve the issue through diplomatic talks and expressed support for all diplomatic efforts to end the conflict between the two countries. India is a non-permanent member of the UNSC.

English Summary: For First Time Ever, India Votes Against Russia Over Ukraine at UN



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