India Alerts Canada About Khalistani Who Killed Shaurya Chakra Awardee & Now Works For Their Border Police

Oh Canada, What Have You Done Now?

Canadian Prime Minister <a data-mil=Justin Trudeau” title=”Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leaving a press conference” src=”×800.jpg?impolicy=website&width=510&height=383″ />

Well, here we are again, folks! It seems Canada isn’t just known for its maple syrup and hockey anymore; it’s now got a VIP section for Khalistani terrorists visiting from… oh, I don’t know, the land of snow and polite hellos! Yes, that’s right! Justin Trudeau’s Canada has found itself embroiled in yet another international kerfuffle involving the somewhat infamous Sandeep Singh Sidhu, also known as Sunny (because nothing says “hardcore terrorist” like a nickname borrowed from cartoon characters).

Earlier this week, India dropped a bombshell on our friendly neighbors up north: Sandeep Sidhu, a border police officer in Canada, is allegedly wanted for the murder of Shaurya Chakra awardee Balwinder Singh Sandhu. Now, if you’re thinking “Oh no, not the Shaurya Chakra – that’s got to sting!” you’d be absolutely correct. This award is given for tremendous acts of valor. So you can imagine the cocktails at Trudeau’s next function — “Can I offer you a drink or just a seat on the gaffe train?”

Let’s dive a little deeper. Balwinder Singh Sandhu was shot outside his home in Punjab for trying to stop Sidhu from turning his life into a drug smuggling duo. Apparently, he was in cahoots with the lovely people over at the Pakistan-based Khalistan Liberation Front and is now alleged to be in a serious relationship with some ISI operatives. You see how this plays out? Seems like “border patrol” took on a whole new meaning. One day it’s checking passports, the next it’s, “Hey mate, fancy a bazooka with those nachos?”

But wait, there’s more! The National Investigation Agency (NIA) went all in on the drama, revealing that Sidhu isn’t just an average border officer. Oh no, they’ve promoted him to student at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)! I mean, goodness, we’re handing out promotions like confetti at a parade! “Congratulations, you’re wanted for murder, but look on the bright side – you’re now a ‘student’!” That’s the Canadian way—diplomatic and a bit baffling. Christopher Walken would even say, “Wow, that’s a bold career move!”

This gets crazier by the minute, folks. It’s like a crappy movie script where the bad guys wear tuxedos to dinner parties and discuss their evil plans over caviar. We’ve got operatives in Canada, master plans from abroad, and a lethargic response from a government that just can’t seem to decide how to respond. It’s a classic case of “Oh dear, I wasn’t expecting that!” And just like that—wham, bam! Who needs Netflix when you have live action drama unfolding between borders?

So, kudos to Trudeau and his team for developing a really interesting way to take ‘international relations’ to new heights. Forget diplomacy; let’s make it a comedy show! But let’s hope for everyone’s sake that the next headline doesn’t read, “Canada’s New Bloodsport: International Terrorism Hide-and-Seek!”

Written by: Shankhyaneel Sarkar, a senior subeditor at News18 who covers international affairs, primarily focusing on breaking news with a delightful dash of wit.



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