Index – Interior – Tamás Gyárfás: They cannot convict you for nothing

As we wrote, on Thursday the court convicted Tamás Gyárfás for his participation in the Fenyő murder, after which the prosecutor initiated his arrest. The presentation of the verdict took many hours, which was a huge blow to the former president of the swimming association. The first accused in the case was also convicted by the court because of the audio recordings that emerged years ago.

The producer, who was sentenced to seven years in prison, said in the ATV Start program that he did not try to refute the rumors about him because it is terrible to explain because of a rumor. As he said, he appeared on the show to clarify something about his case, where he also presented an audio recording, which he wanted to prove his own innocence.

According to Tamás Gyárfás, after the court’s verdict, what remained in public opinion was that when Tamás Portik told him to “do something” with János Fenyő, he opened his arms and acknowledged Portik’s intentions. As he said, according to the verdict, he became an accomplice because of this, but that was not the case.

According to the producer, Portik actually approached him about his previous tax evasion case and offered to help Gyárfás close the case through his connections. Later, Portik approached him again and told him that he could not help, only for money. However, Gyárfás did not pay.

He admitted that he really spread his arms in this matter, but it was not for the statement about János Fenyő.

In the program, he also revealed that he thought Péter Tasnádi only spread the word that Gyárfás had paid him, since Tasnádi told him during the confrontation that he only wanted to drag him down. According to him, this part of the case is very chaotic because “even among criminals there is etiquette” and they do not give up their client.

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Tamás Gyárfás also said that he thinks the court will acquit him in the second instance, because “they can’t convict him for nothing”.

According to the prosecution, a business dispute, a power struggle and a strong personal conflict developed between Gyárfás and Fenyő from the mid-1990s. According to the indictment, Gyárfás decided to kill Feny in 1997. For this reason, in September 1997, he commissioned Péter Tasnádi to kill his rival. Tasnádi accepted the assignment for HUF 12 million, however, after receiving an advance of HUF 6 million, he did not complete the task. For this reason, Gyárfás commissioned Tamás Portik, whom he had known since 1994, to kill János Fenyő. Portik assigned the task to Jozef Rohác, who actually carried out the murder.

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