Index – Interior – Róbert Puzsér to Index: I did not want to participate in the defamation

As we reported earlier, the dispute between critic Róbert Puzsér and Róbert Ábrahám, journalist of Pesti Srácok, escalated into violence. The conflict between the men ended on Friday when Róbert Ábrahám punched the radio operator in the face.

Róbert Puzsér spoke to our newspaper about the incident and said that Róbert Ábrahám drove to the Spirit FM studio on Friday afternoon, before their personal meeting, and wanted to talk to the program director. After it turned out that the program director was on vacation, he demanded from his deputy that Róbert Puzsér be fired from the radio because “the channel cannot accept what he posted on his Facebook page.”

According to the critic, Róbert Ábrahám did not receive a promise from the deputy program director that he would be fired, so he contacted Puzsér by phone to settle their differences in person. The men met in Tűzoltó utca.

When Róbert Puzsér was asked what Ábrahám said to him first, he answered, “well, listen here, you f**********, don’t laugh, because I’m going to fuck your mouth”. Since Puzsér did not want to participate in the insult, he tried to leave Ábrahám. At that time, Róbert Ábrahám grabbed Puzsér’s arm to hold him back, and the critic told him to let go.

“My children read that their father is a whore,” said Ábrahám, according to the radio operator, and punched him in the face. In relation to the journalist’s later post, in which he wrote that he “screamed like some rag,” the critic said, “the report of the Pesti Srácok employee is of course a lie, there was no screaming, and what Róbert Ábrahám presents is the justification of physical violence.”

You can feel the law of putri, that it is forbidden to understand satire, it is forbidden to understand mockery, but an obviously satirical text must be interpreted literally, because the one who is le*zized must pay for it with his fist

– said Róbert Puzsér, who filed a complaint about the case. He puts it this way: “I thought I could go about my life without having to file a complaint against anyone or sue anyone, but unfortunately, I’ve already been shot.”

However, if I do not file a report in this case and there will be no official trace of this, then what is the guarantee that this will not happen again?

Puzsér asked our paper at the end.

Róbert Puzsér: “The news is true, he slapped me in the face out of fear of love”

Meanwhile, the publicist posted another Facebook post in which he wrote: “The news is true. Tibor Rostás slapped me in the face yesterday afternoon out of fear of love, I reminded myself of the Bible that the Doctor is requesting to be placed under constitutional protection in his sarcastic letter to the Prime Minister, and I held my other face to him, just as he held his lower half to me during dozens of hot nights.”

Rostás must have expected that I would hit back, and thus the domestic violence he practices becomes mutual, except that this is not Hős utca or the Mónika Show

– he added, then continued: “Teddy bear! You just don’t want to get off me, even though I told you that everything between us is over. By slapping me in the face, you’re just making yourself a moral loser – you may have heard that aggression is the tool of the weak. No matter how many times you hit me in the future, I never want to see you again.”

There is that old saying that is very true for you, Bear: you can take the kid out of the ghetto, but you can’t take the ghetto out of the kid. The formula is the same with you. You didn’t become a journalist, you didn’t become an intellectual. You remained who you were: a languid, colonial slob who is unable to control his violent nature

– said Róbert Puzsér.

Among other things, he wrote that “the word is a more dangerous weapon than the fist, only you, unfortunately, had little sense to be able to use it effectively, that’s why you call on your physical strength. I find it hard to admit to myself that this animal nature of yours is what I once could not resist, but now I feel nothing but concern for you” and that “although you pose with the Bible, the right of your fist shows that you are not even a Christian, just a jealous gay pro who punches in the face the one he can’t emotionally and physically possess’. Then he added:

You’d be happy if after I couldn’t be yours, I couldn’t be anyone else’s, right? But you can’t command the heart, Bear. You cannot force someone to love you. Why don’t you finally acknowledge that the coffee has boiled between us: we are no longer together, and we never will be. If you come near me again and raise your hand to me again, I will bleed your pretty little dress again, but I will never tear it from you again, and, following the example of our Lord Christ, I will never strike back.

“How about that, Bear? Are you excited? Don’t think I’m afraid of you. Try to control yourself, as befits a cultured person, or continue to provoke fate, just in case you wake up in the morning. The decision is in your hands: clench your fists or pray, and measure your actions on the scales of Christ’s example,” concluded Róbert Puzsér’s post.

Róbert Ábrahám: I’m a devout Christian, but I’m not a bastard!

After Puzsér’s post, the Pesti Srácok journalist posted another post, this time not on his private page, but on his more public page. “Then let me tell you in detail how things escalated to the point where I hit Puzsér, and how this slandering and provoking everyone, respects neither God nor man, a no-man’s whore hero, ran to the police,” he wrote.

According to him, there was no problem with the “spiritual give-and-take” years ago, but Puzsér “approx. 2 years ago he gave it one level lower. At that time, he also took my family in his mouth, and started a simple, primitive, kind of gypsy conversation that can be considered standard among themselves in Belpest”.

A couple of months ago, he went even further than that, and started spreading unfounded lies about me. I then called him and explained to him that it would be enough here. Then, with his ears and tail tucked in, he made a vow that he was looking for a peaceful way

– wrote Róbert Ábrahám, who said that after that he also started looking for a peaceful way, and it was like they sat down for a conversation, but a few days later Puzsér, “when he was no longer alone on the other end of the phone, presented himself in a pompous, pompous style, and nothing came of the previously negotiated discussion”.

According to his claim, they then arrived at Friday, when Puzsér “thought it would be a good joke if he started making fun of my name in a satire that he thought was funny, and started talking about gypsies, Jews, and boozing. To be honest, I’m already used to being gypsies and Jews, since I also follow liberal websites. However, I have children, my wife and my mother, who read the brains of such a drug addict as well as his sect. So it’s over, yeah!” he said, adding:

I called in the afternoon to sit down and talk. He asked me to go to IX. to Tűzoltó Street in the district. I went alone, but he came out of the gate with a little guy, but the guy didn’t come to us, he just filmed the whole thing with his phone from next to the gate.

“I arrived with the knowledge that we would sit down somewhere, since we were talking calmly on the phone a few minutes earlier. At this, Puzsér absorbed himself and started towards me with his back outstretched, as if he were a Brenko. Then he got right in my face. It didn’t affect me very much, I tried to explain to him in a completely human way that although I didn’t talk about it anywhere, we lost our baby a week ago and in this condition my family and my children need[nek] to read his filth. He didn’t show the slightest human reaction.”

About how the clash happened, he wrote:

At that point, he wanted to play even more violently for the camera – since the recording was already there of him standing tensely – and I reached for his hand to let him finish what I had started. And then he pushed my hand, to which I reflexively slapped him, and he started screaming. Then he ran to the police

According to his claim, he then walked into the police station on his own and took responsibility for his actions. In the post, he also touched on the fact that Puzsér also had a fight with Dopeman a few months ago, and even then he prevented reconciliation with further provocations. “And as surprising as it is, I don’t consider Puzsér to be the main culprit here, but rather the management of Spirit FM and personally Korvin Tibi! I have been asking for a long time to find a peaceful solution to this. I have been asking for a long time to at least limit the spread of untruths. Recently (about 3 months ago) together with Puzsér, we asked to settle our disagreement on the radio in the form of a civilized debate. He’s aloof!”

I will not and have no reason to be ashamed. Only the person who has already desecrated everyone and everything, who does not respect God or man, and who really believed that he can do anything to anyone and anything, should be ashamed!

– wrote Róbert Ábrahám, according to whom “the most disgraceful thing about it all is that the big, evil-mouthed hero, who takes anyone out of his honor, is actually a snarky, screeching, accusing p*nci, who provokes, but doesn’t even dare to hit back, once you have reached your goal. He received a slap, fell over and made a scene like the rags. And now he’s looking for the comfortable victim pose!”. He then concluded his post with:

I don’t care in the least, you can make me gypsy with how much of a Christian I am. Yes, I’m a devout Christian, but I’m not an asshole!

(Cover photo: Róbert Puzsér on April 27, 2024. Photo: Zsófi Szollár / Index)

“This book is twelve years of work. The most I’ve ever done.”
Robert Puzsér.


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