Index – In the meantime – About Gergő Szekér’s coming out: That year we had to invent stories to make me stand out as a hetero singer

A week ago, he made a completely spontaneous decision to come out live.

A Breakfast Gergő Szekér made an unexpected announcement on his Friday broadcast: it is X-Factor is in The Voice her former competitor spoke frankly about her attraction to men, because she was tired of living in constant fear and lies. Now he returned to RTL’s daytime show, and when asked by Anna Peller and Ágnes Szabados, he revealed that coming out was not planned at all, the idea just came spontaneously, as he repeatedly referred to his beloved as his partner while cooking.

“Some time ago, I started calling my partner, who is clearly a boy, precisely so that I don’t lie, remain self-identified, but still say something. And I thought about this, that it bothers me terribly, you don’t even notice this burden for a very long time,” the singer began, adding: before that, he was mainly afraid of losing several invitations and jobs if it turned out he was gay, as his own friends had also experienced already similar, but he also got into an uncomfortable situation because of it.

We also, when I was with management, had to invent stories to make me stand out as a hetero singer. It was an awful big lie and it was very unpleasant for me. But I thought I would take on this role in order to be able to make my own music. It was a sacrifice for me, and I thought sacrifices were natural

When asked by the hosts, Szekér also spoke about the positive feedback he has received so far regarding his coming out.

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“Honestly, since this happened, I’ve noticed – but maybe I’m living in a bubble – that so far nothing has happened to my disadvantage. And I was a little surprised, I also had preconceptions. (…) However, the exact opposite came in a lot of comments and a lot of messages, and I was terribly happy about it.”

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