Index – FOMO – Zoltán Herczeg revealed whether he is afraid of going back to prison

Since his release from prison, Zoltán Herczeg has already returned to creating, decorating, and Fashion monkey in a cage he also wrote a book entitled Although he wanted to leave fashion design behind, his customers and fans wouldn’t let him.

He also managed to sort out his relationship with his girlfriend, he solved the time born of necessity and patched up the wounds. “The bumpy road didn’t separate us, it forged us together. Together in an alliance of protection and defiance, we continue our lives in great happiness,” said the fashion designer a Glamournak.

When asked if he had lost friends, he answered that he and his accomplice involved in the drug case had been friends for more than 20 years.

Those who believe his stories are those people who have rubbed off on me the version of me that corresponds to reality, because they have known me personally for several decades and know that I am innocent and that I was not in prison because of drugs, my friendship with them became stronger

– said Zoltán Herczeg, adding that ninety-nine percent are the camp of those with whom he had a closer relationship, and perhaps one percent crumbled from his company. In addition, he received a lot of support and love from his audience.

Since he was released from prison, he has become much more deliberate, more collected, more disciplined, perhaps quieter, as well as much cleaner and healthier. He said he doesn’t want to run into anything like that again, he wants to deal with life, not politics, “which unfortunately is about destruction instead of construction and creation.”

He also talked about the fact that his trial will be held in November, and that the charge is drug possession and consumption, which he admitted at the preliminary hearing, even from the very beginning of the case. “Compared to this, however, for some reason the prosecutor is asking for a lot, a prison sentence of 2 years and 8 months. I trust that the truth will prevail, so I am not afraid,” he added. According to him, charges will certainly not be brought, but he has already faced charges for possession and consumption several times, so he does not expect anything bad.

That’s why he went to jail

As previously reported by Index, the well-known fashion designer Zoltán Herczeg was arrested on October 21, 2022, after drug-suspicious substances were found in his apartment. During the interrogation, the fashion designer admitted to drug use, but denied that he had distributed the drug.

In December, he filed an appeal for his release, as well as for a lighter coercive measure, which was rejected by the court, so he also spent Christmas behind bars. His case was retried in February 2023. At the initiative of the investigating authority, the Chief Prosecutor’s Office of the Capital City proposed the extension of Zoltán Herczeg’s arrest until April 23, 2023, and he was finally placed under house arrest.

According to the prosecutor’s indictment – which Zoltán Herczeg received in April this year – the prosecutor’s office is asking for a prison sentence for the fashion designer, and he should pay several million forints in procedural costs.

Earlier, in response to Index’s inquiry, Ferenc Rab, the prosecutor’s spokesman, stated that the prosecutor’s office proposed a prison sentence for the fashion designer for the crime of drug possession, while the main defendant in the case, a 61-year-old man, was sentenced for drug trafficking.

According to the indictment, a 61-year-old man from Budapest sold marijuana to his friend, the other defendant in the case, on several occasions starting in the spring of 2022. On October 21, 2022, the seller sold 91 grams of marijuana to his friend for HUF 350,000. The total amount of drugs handed over exceeds the upper limit of the small amount, but does not reach the lower limit of the significant amount. The 61-year-old man himself consumed small amounts of marijuana and cocaine.

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