Róbert Szikora a Best in the latest issue of the magazine, he talked regarding the fact that he places great emphasis on selecting the girls who sing and dance in the R-GO band. Currently, this role is played by Gina and Flóra, who were chosen by the frontman from eighty applicants and who had to seriously prove themselves in order to become kids.
Róbert Szikora said that both girls have recovered and are creative, but their human qualities are equally important.
Before we selected them, they not only had to prove their singing and dancing skills, but also had to solve the tasks we imposed. For example, they were given scissors, a needle, thread, a piece of fabric, and they had to sew themselves a performance outfit in a short time
– revealed the frontman. So far, according to his own calculations, he has had forty kids, but this includes the official ones and the “little ones”.
Yes, there is such a thing, because a performance cannot be missed because, say, one of them has a cold or a broken leg
said Róbert Szikora.
He noted that it is completely natural for girls to change, “because time passes, they fall in love, get married, give birth to children”. He added that he knows what happened to everyone and follows their fate.
She also said that although her current colleagues get along well, over the decades there have been disagreements between the girls.
This is a workplace, not a chicken coop, and there should be no tension between the musicians and the girls. There have been instances where I had to raise my voice to keep order. So far, I’ve only had to give directions to one kid. Women are special, strange creations, it is difficult to find common ground with them in every situation, but it is no more difficult than with artistic souls
said the frontman.
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