Index – FOMO – Judit Varga was asked to appear in Dancing with the Stars

TV2 is trying everything in order to come up with something big and beat arch-rival RTL. According to Story’s information, this is precisely why the commercial channel approached former Minister of Justice Judith Varga to appear in the fifth season of Dancing with the Stars starting in October. Although the former politician thought about participating, he ultimately declined the opportunity.

A manager of TV2 personally approached Judith Varga, the former Minister of Justice, to appear in the channel’s highly successful dance show, Dancing with the Stars, the Story.

According to the paper, although the former politician is very versatile, who can stand his ground even with a violin in his hand, and the ball doesn’t fail him when he needs to play, however, after some thought, Judit Varga thanked him for thinking of him and refused the offer. Story also contacted Judith Varga about this matter, but she did not want to comment.

This fall, one of TV2’s hit productions will return for its fifth season, the first broadcast of which will be on October 26. As in the previous season, the jury members will be Nóra Ördög, Tamás Juronics and Szente Vajk, while the presenters will be Ramóna Lékai-Kiss and András Stohl. Those who will definitely take to the dance floor in the fifth season of Dancing with the Stars, which starts on October 26:

  • Zsófi Szabó and Andrei Mangra;
  • Gábor Kucsera and Alexandra Stana;
  • Luca Mihályfi and Berci Hegyes;
  • Psg Ogli and Zsuzsanna Szőke;
  • Franciska Törőcsik and Dávid Baranya;
  • Norbert Kamarás and Daniella Sebesi;
  • Gabi Tóth and her partner, Bence Papp Máte;
  • Whisperton and Katica Tóth;
  • Katinka Hosszú and András Suti.
  • The identity of the tenth couple has not yet been revealed by the channel.

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