Index – Domestic – CPAC Hungary: fortunately, Budapest is a wake-free zone!

Index – Domestic – CPAC Hungary: fortunately, Budapest is a wake-free zone!

Santiago Abascal, the founder of the Spanish far-right VOX began his speech by saying that he likes to come to Hungary because the Budapest airport already welcomes arrivals as a family-friendly country. Abascal believed that Spain should also do more to protect families. The woke is what threatens the Spanish, and it comes in the form of the left.

According to Abascal, if they want to protect the borders, then they are called exclusionists, if they do not want to let Islam in, then they accuse the right of religious intolerance. This is a classic example of manipulation. He confirmed that VOX clearly stands by Israel following the attack on the country.

Mercy Schlapp, Donald Trump’s former advisor and director of strategic communications, spoke regarding the fact that we must not let the communists take our families and take control of our institutions. They manipulate in such a way that the right-wingers feel that they are completely alone. Meanwhile, Mercy’s husband, Matt Schlapp, took the stage and talked regarding their time with Donald Trump. The left-wing American media hates and has hated Trump, for example, they were able to write something regarding a meeting they were not even there, which had not the slightest bit of reality, Matt claimed. That is why the Republican victory in November is necessary, because it means that America has returned, found itself. Following Trump’s thoughts, he said: you must always be ready for battle, as the CPAC movement is getting stronger.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek Dutch political commentator served up the European events of the past seven days, and most of them were regarding elderly people being stabbed, migrants attacking French people. The political opinion leader concluded from this that there is a clear connection between migration and increasing crime. The Dutch population is already in the minority compared to migrants in most big cities, but this is also true for London and Brussels. Based on this, according to him, population exchange is becoming a reality, meaning that the indigenous European population is no longer in the majority in its own country.

The political opinion leader believes that Hungary is not liked in the leadership of the EU because it tries to resist all the madness that they are trying to force on Europe. Only a Europe made up of sovereign nation-states can be the means to prevent everything.

Jack Posobiec an American opinion leader stated that communism is not an ideology, but a conspiracy of criminals, which must be uncovered and investigated over time. Only the alliance of anti-globalists, movements such as CPAC, can be suitable for this. According to him, the right wing stands to win, and they will not allow the world their ancestors built to be destroyed.

His message: the biggest battle will be this November, when Donald Trump must be re-elected to finish what he started in his first term as president.

The next speaker Simone Billi was a representative of Salvini’s LEGA party in the Italian parliament. He drew attention to the fact that in just one month there will be fate-changing elections in the EU and that Ursula von der Leyen must not be allowed to continue her policy once morest the interests of European people and European industry. This must be prevented!

Gila Gamliel, Israel’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology recalled that Israel’s existence began in Budapest in the 19th century. in the middle of the century, since Herzl Tivadar, the dreamer of the state of Israel, the great thinker of political Zionism, was born here. He also thanked Hungary for the support it provided following the October 7 attack by Hamas. He also talked regarding why it was not possible to reach a ceasefire and free the hostages.

The goal for the near future is to put more and more pressure on Hamas, both by diplomatic and military means. The Israeli politician also touched on the fact that at the same time as the start of the war, the number of anti-Semitic expressions seriously increased both in the political space and in the online world.

Maureen Bannon, who is the daughter of Donald Trump’s former adviser, Steve Bannon, emphasized that she thinks the exemplary courage of Viktor Orbán and Hungary is decisive for the world and Christians. He quoted Trump: if we don’t give up, we will win! After that Steve Bannon his video message was played, in which the right-wing politician also confirmed that we should not give up the struggle, because it is constantly with us, and we must continue, we must persevere!

Peter Törcsi, the operational director of the Fundamental Rights Center, says that Budapest is a wake-free zone where CPAC Hungary can be held and there is no need to worry regarding a repeat of what happened at the NatCon event in Brussels, when the event was banned. In the capital of the union, the police are sent to those who hold different views, and then the leaders in Brussels teach the Hungarian government regarding the rule of law.

In the subsequent panel discussion Ryszard Czarneckithe Polish PiS EP representative, Guglielmo Picchi, former Italian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, as well as Ernst Roets, the managing director of AfriForum, discussed with Péter Törcsi the advance of woke in the European institutional systems. It was said: one possible way to prevent this process is for representatives of conservative values ​​to come to power in as many member states as possible.

After the lunch break, speeches organized under the general title “Sovereignty lives, globalism dies” followed. The line Matt Whittaker started who was the USA mb. chief prosecutor, he was interrogated by Zoltán Kovács, the state secretary responsible for international communications. The recently adopted aid package for Ukraine was also discussed. The Attorney General pointed out that sovereignty also provides a basis for enforcing the rule of law, that is, the word of the law should always be the strongest.

They spoke to each other in a video podcast Amichai Chikli, Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Bryan Leib, senior researcher at the Center for Fundamental Rights. They primarily analyzed how long and how deep the relationship between the two countries has been. It was also said that Hungary was the only European country that did not condemn Israel’s fight once morest Hamas. Chikli also indicated that Hungary can be considered one of the vanguards of visible and perceptible changes in Europe. He pointed out that the conservative forces were able to meet for the second time within a week at the initiative of Hungary, first in Brussels at the Natcon event, and then here at CPAC Hungary.

The increasingly heated situation that has developed on the campuses of several leading American universities has come up, in the form of pro-Palestinian and anti-Semitic demonstrations. In several places, the protesters had to be detained. The Minister of Diaspora Affairs believed that the neo-Marxist woke movement divides the world into two parts, on the one hand the oppressors, the whites, and the Zionists. Opposite them are the oppressed, usually the people of color, the Palestinians, who are the victims of this oppression. In addition to them, we must also mention the increasingly strong Islamist line led by Qatar and Turkey, which complements the woke movement somewhere.

Attila Kovács, EU research director of the Fundamental Rights Center, talked with his guests regarding what the future of Israel and Europe might be, what can be said regarding the issue of security in the Middle East. His guests were two members of the Israeli parliament, Amit Halevi and One Tal. The representatives shed light on who the enemy really is. Terrorism, which threatens not only Israel, but every state and the sovereignty of every nation. Sovereignty plays a big role in this struggle.

A series of speeches related to sovereignty Paul Gosar Congressman from Arizona, respectively Marek Kuchinski, member of parliament of the Polish PiS, former president of the Sejm, concluded. The American politician began by saying that Arizona is also a border state, and for a long time they might not prevent millions of refugees from arriving in their state. He cited Hungary as an example of how a state can solve immigration, for example by erecting a border fence, and with this and strict action, it managed to stop the flood.

The Polish politician recalled the problems faced by Central Europe in recent years, of which he considered the crisis of values ​​and the rule of law to be the most important. He proposed sovereign cooperation for the European states, which is especially true for Eastern Europe, where we are also connected by the historical past.

By the way, the day started with a speech by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Georgia and the president of the CPAC Foundation. You can read a summary of this here.

(Cover photo: Péter Törcsi, Guglieilmo Picchi, Ernst Roets and Ryszard Czarnecki. Photo: Zsófi Szollár / Index)

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