Index – Culture – They wanted to kill György Spiro

György Spiró never imitates or embellishes what he has to say, he honestly says what he thinks or what happens to him. Most recently, Veiszer spoke to Alinda, and we could hear some shocking things from him in the preview of the conversation.

Shocking words

The reporter asked the writer, “Did you think someone was going to kill me?”

To which the writer replied:

Well, they tried. (…) Effectively, of course. Well, whoever they think can be shunned, of course. You can be threatened by phone calls at night for years. My mother could be threatened that her smelly, rotten son would be hanged. It can be all sorts. And the system change does not cause any change in this. You can follow the person, you can eavesdrop on the person, you can threaten them, you can do all kinds of things. Well, these are such, such societies.

György Spiró talks about a lot more in the interview, which is in its entirety itt visible.

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