Index – Culture – Spring fury, or even Pinta, lying on her stomach in the grass, scanned the girls’ thighs

2023-04-16 17:09:00

No one asked, so I’ll say it anyway: my favorite Tankcsapda album is the one released in 1997 – and undeservedly underrated – Connektor :567:. And the favorite on the favorite is the 11th song: In the spring. It is a confession, an admission that something has gone very wrong, and the intention that I want to change it. Spring is the right time for this, the time of rebirth, purification and fresh start.

I’ll start all over again in the spring

And I will release the bird of my secrets

To sing to You what I am like

And that you are just these few poems

And the couple of chords from the guitar

And from words and arguments

And from the power in the drums

Sometimes it breaks through.

(Excerpt from the song Tankcsapda Spring)

The following are recordings from the collection of the Hungarian Pop Culture Valuables from the season most loved by many. If these songs manage to bring back some pleasant memories, a few smells and the associated feelings in our readers, these few posts were not in vain. Take a seat! The spring trip begins.

“The woman was carrying a yellow flower in her hand. Some ugly, contagious yellow flower, you know what it’s called, but it’s always the first to appear in Moscow in spring.”

The man was shocked by the woman’s beauty and began to follow her. He felt he should call her or she would disappear and never see him again. But the man could not utter a single word. And then… The woman spoke first:

“Do you like my flowers?”


This is how the story of the love between the Master and Margarita begins in Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel set in the spring – Holy Week. The work, which runs on several threads and can be interpreted in many ways, sometimes realistic, sometimes grotesque, sometimes mystical, is the work of the 20th century. one of the peaks of the literature of the 20th century.

In the Jerusalem chapters, through the story of Jesus, we get an idea of ​​love and humanism, of the martyrdom undertaken for them and thus of redemption. We can learn from the story that love and art are closest to the highest good. Love is the essence of life, the creative force. And art can lead us to the recognition of higher truths.

It would be nice to know that towards the end of his life, the author was able to bathe in the glory of his work’s worldwide success, in addition to the spring sunshine. But it didn’t happen that way. Pushed to the periphery by the authorities, Bulgakov’s novel could not be published until more than a quarter of a century after the author’s death, and began its triumphal journey in 1967.

Amorphous Devils: It’s Spring! Beautiful!

“At that time, the green leaves were already creeping into our garden, and the buds and pinnate flowers were climbing up the trees. Little boy was balancing on the yellow of a daisy. Pinta was lying in the grass, from where she was scanning the girls’ thighs.”

Péter Esterházy: Fancsikó and Pinta (1976), excerpt

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We are in place. Nature revives, plants turn green, flowers bloom, days are longer, the outside temperature becomes pleasant, and sometimes the spring afternoon even glows, as the Rolls Fraksió sang at the time. We purify ourselves, this is when we celebrate rebirth and poetry. And the work awaits in the garden, in the fragrant spring wind, under the blue sky. This is the season for radishes and spring onions. Rivers flow, birds sing. Women bloom, these are the months of love for humans, the time of mating in the lives of many other living creatures.

Behind God’s Back: Spring fury

Especially during the winter season, we often come across offers that say that we can get to the land of Eternal Spring in return for financial compensation. To the place where the pleasant weather is disturbed only for a few weeks by autumn mocking winter, and where nature is always green. Tempting offer.

But where spring is eternal, there is also an eternal struggle, with the rampant vegetation and other creatures, to see who can take a bigger bite out of what nature has given.

I wouldn’t trade the increasingly similar four seasons for the promise of Eternal Spring. I love the spring here, but so that I no longer feel the heat of the sweltering heat and the rain that relieves it, that I no longer turn gray and see no more snow crystals and icicles and never find peace? No thank you.

János Varga Project: Springtime in Hungary

And finally, in the spirit of Spring Tolerance, let’s also allow a team that – because of its name – has no chance of getting into any of the thematic selections about winter, spring, summer and autumn. It deserves our attention though.

The acoustic urban music of the Fifth Season played with a folk music arrangement, with the voice of the singer Izabella Caussanel of Hungarian-French origin, vibrates those certain chords in our souls in every season.

Season Five: Love

You chose it as the title of the article It’s spring! Beautiful! The title of Attila József’s poem, which the poet wrote 99 years ago, in the spring of 1924 in Budapest.