Index – Culture – Dressed as a robot, yet afraid of artificial intelligence

Daft Punk’s character is inseparable from technology, both in terms of sound and image. The musicians in suits and robot helmets ended their joint performance adventure in 2021, in which, according to Thomas Bangalter, one of the duo’s members, artificial intelligence also played a role.

Development and regression

It has always been an important stipulation for the duo throughout their career to draw a categorical line between humanity and the world of machines.

It was a discovery that started with the machines and moved away from them… I love technology as a tool, but the nature of the relationship between machines and us is starting to scare me

– the Los Angeles Times quotes the musician. He added:

With these machines, we tried to highlight what is so incredibly moving that a machine cannot feel, but a human can. We have always been on the side of humanity, not on the side of technology… We have to ask ourselves questions regarding technology and how humans become obsolete.

He confirms the latter when he takes Stanley Kubrick’s legendary 1968 work as an example, the 2001: Space Odyssey the movie.

Bangalter also told us that the rapid development of artificial intelligence also facilitated the closure of Daft Punk. “As much as I love this character, the last thing I think we need in 2023 is another robot.”

Thomas Bangalter put the electronic music world aside for a while. He worked with French contemporary choreographer Angelin Preljocaj last summer, for whom he composed a large-orchestral piece for a ballet performance in July, which will be released on Friday Mythologies at address.