Index – Abroad – Péter Magyar is on his way to Kiev, bringing a donation to the workers of the children’s hospital in Kiev

Our article has been updated!

After Monday’s Russian air attack, Péter Magyar announced that he would travel to Kiev and take donations with him (he also encouraged his followers to contribute to the collection). The move was also significant because the vice president of the Tisza Party has so far specifically avoided foreign policy topics.

Péter Magyar on Facebook on Wednesday morning he announced, that he left for Kiev, but then did not post for a while. In the followingnoon, however, the first reports appeared on social media that he had arrived in Ukraine together with his convoy carrying donations.

The news agency reported that the donations had been handed over – but this may have been incorrect information

A Reuters according to the detailed report of the news agency

Péter Magyar handed over HUF 15 million in food and medical supplies to the children’s hospital.

“It was a sudden decision following we saw the brutal Russian missile attack,” he told Hungarian journalists. He also added: “The Prime Minister can travel the world and pretend to create peace […] but we believe in action instead of flying around the world three times. We are different.” Later, a photo of him allegedly handing over the donations also came to light.

According to Reuters, Péter Magyar also noted that he thought Orbán should have visited Kyiv earlier than the previous week, but one of the reasons for the delay was the disagreement between Kyiv and Budapest regarding the rights of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine. He also stated:

agrees with the government that arms shipments cannot go to Ukraine via Hungary or with Hungarian help,

because this might make the Hungarian community in Ukraine a target. But other countries have a sovereign right to send weapons to Ukraine, he added.

Tisza Party: Péter Magyar is not in Kiev yet, but he is on his way

Update, clarification: in the original version of our article, we wrote inaccurately that Péter Magyar arrived in Kijev, we apologize for the mistake. The press department of the Tisza Party called our attention early in the evening: “Péter Magyar is still on his way to Kiev” (the vice president posted a Facebookin story he logged in from Ungvár a few hours ago).

A The Kyiv Independenthe wrote that Péter Magyar is expected to arrive in Kiev in the evening, and that he will visit the children’s hospital itself only on Thursday. According to their report, Péter Magyar also said before leaving for Kiev that he would only meet Ukrainian civilians, not officials.

According to Péter Magyar, the donations will only be handed over tomorrow, there was an air raid warning

Péter Magyar personally, writing from the address of the party’s press department, later also denied in his letter to Index that the donations had already been handed over, as reported by Reuters.

There is currently an air raid alert in the entire country. We will hand over the donations tomorrow

– the Tisza Party’s press department wrote to Index following our correspondence with Péter Magyar, while they also indicated that they would report the error to Reuters.

Péter Magyar also published the latter on Facebook a postin which he wrote that “a MiG31 Russian plane entered the Ukrainian airspace a few minutes ago”, but the air raid warning has since been sounded, so they continue to fly.

We follow the developments of the Russian-Ukrainian war minute by minute in this article.

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