INDES announces $115.2 million from CABEI for sports venues 2024-02-15 04:51:27

The ad honorem president of the National Sports Institute of El Salvador (INDES). Yamil Bukele announced that the country has financing of $115.2 million to remodel sports venues, from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI).

“For the intervention of these sports venues we have financing of up to 115.2 million dollars from CABEI,” the official recalled today in a morning radio interview.

«In the next few days we are going to present the folders of the 25 scenarios that will be intervened. We will start with the most emblematic, since that is where high-performance sports are developed,” added the head of INDES.

The financing, which was approved by the Bank on September 28 of last year, will allow the modernization of sports venues, as part of the prevention of violence, increased health, professionalization of athletes and recreation of the inhabitants of the benefited areas. .

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