Indert awarded 6,502 titles in one year, exceeding the average of the last 35 years

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The president of the Rural and Land Development Institute (Indert), Francisco Ruiz Díaz, indicated that 6,502 property titles were delivered in one year, exceeding the annual average of titles delivered in the last 35 years.

This record figure even exceeds what was achieved in the last decade, when an average of 1,000 titles were awarded per year, he said in an interview with Paraguay TV.

Looking at the records since the beginning of the democratic era in 1989, the numbers indicate that the current administration is taking accelerated steps towards the massive regularization of lands of settlers and small producers.

Ruiz Díaz highlighted that the government of Santiago Peña has made small producers the central objective of public policies in the field, which was demonstrated by the decrease in interest in land regularization and support for the management of Indert.

The reduction in rates, from 12% to 4% for male owners and from 12% to 0% for female owners, allowed hundreds of settlers to complete the titling processes.

In addition, Indert has greater coordination with the Cadastre and Public Registry departments and implements methods such as Mass Land Sweep (BPM), which speeds up the measurement processes.

#Indert #awarded #titles #year #exceeding #average #years
2024-08-30 04:51:26



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