Indert announces fourth national tour to deliver 830 new property titles

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The National Institute for Rural and Land Development (Indert) will carry out a new tour from August 8 to 13 to deliver titles to beneficiaries of the agrarian reform. On this occasion, 830 documents will be distributed, the institution announced.

The titles will be delivered to families from the departments of Itapúa, Misiones, Canindeyú, Alto Paraná, San Pedro and Caaguazú.

Most of the families are part of Indert colonies that have been waiting for more than 30 years to obtain ownership of their plots.

The rounds of mass distribution of titles are a method adopted by the current Indert administration, seeking to reach the beneficiaries of agrarian reform in the colonies themselves, speeding up the process of formalizing the lands where they have lived and carried out agricultural activities for decades.

The first land title distribution tour took place in October last year, when almost 1,000 property titles were distributed in four departments of the country.

The second tour was in February of this year, with more than 600 titles delivered on that occasion, while the third delivered approximately 1,000 titles between the months of April and May of this year.

Initially, for this year 2024, Indert projected a total of 3,500 property titles delivered to the country’s beneficiaries, a record number of settlements compared to the annual historical average of 927 titles over the last decade.

#Indert #announces #fourth #national #tour #deliver #property #titles
2024-08-11 01:36:47



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